How to Change your Mac’s Login Image

Consider using a unique login image if you’re configuring a new Mac, adding a new user, or simply want to give your Mac a more personalized look. When you enter your password on your Mac’s lock screen, this graphic appears above your username (even if you forgot it).

You can select a picture of yourself, one of your preferred emojis, or a Memoji you made. This screen that you use every day is easily customizable in just a few minutes. When you’re prepared, we’ll demonstrate how to modify the Mac’s login image.

Other places where your iCloud profile photo appear

Your Apple ID or iCloud profile image will appear in the following places:

  • iCloud helper app on Windows PCs
  • System Preferences on your Mac
  • homepage
  • Messages and Mail
  • AirDrop menu
  • Your contact card in the Contacts app
  • Settings app on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
  • Plenty of other places where profile images are used


Apps that benefit from profile photographs as well as other locations receive the iCloud profile photo as well. For instance, family sharing users may more easily locate your account in their list of family members thanks to your iCloud profile photo.


Changing the Mac’s login image

A fun option to customize your lock screen is to swap around your login image. When it’s their turn to sign in, it’s a terrific way for other Mac users to view their own personal picture.


Follow the Steps Below:

Step #1

Click the Apple icon in the Menu bar or the icon in your Dock to access System options.


Step #2

Select Users & groups.

Step #3
Select the user from the list on the left.
Step #4
Select the active image from the right side. 
When you move your cursor over it, “Edit” will appear.

Step #5

A window with all of the photo possibilities will then appear. You can pick an emoji, use your monogram, use an existing Memoji, create a new Memoji, or use one of the suggested ones. You may alternatively take a shot using the Mac’s camera or choose one from the Photos program.

Memoji: Select an existing Memoji or start a new one by clicking the plus symbol. Next, select the face expression using the Pose option and the backdrop color using the Style tab.

Emoji: Use the plus symbol to display the complete array of emojis, or choose from the commonly used ones. Then select a backdrop color by going to the Style menu.

Monogram: Pick a color for your monogram from the range.

Camera: Select Camera to take a photo right now. Choose the Capture button after positioning your face inside the frame’s circle. Choose Save to utilize the picture. If not, choose Cancel.

Photos: To select one of your Favorites or a certain album, expand the Photos area. Next, pick the picture you wish to use.

Suggestions: You can browse the Suggestions if you’re unsure about which image to use. Numerous preset images of symbols, flowers, sports, and animals will also be shown.

Step #6

The bottom-left corner of the screen will provide a sample of the image you selected in step 5. To get the ideal appearance, move the slider to zoom in or out of the picture.

Step #7

Choose Save when you’re done. Using the X in the upper left corner, you can then dismiss the System Preferences.

Your Mac’s login screen will now have an image that matches you when you view it.



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