NITDA and Google Digital Economy Employability Program for Nigerians

The NITDA-Google Digital Economy Employability Program for Nigerians is now accepting applications.

Applying is as follows:


The National Digital Economy Policy for a Digital Nigeria is being implemented by the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA). Our goal is to establish a framework for Nigerian information technology activities, including planning, research, development, standardization, application, coordination, monitoring, evaluation, and regulation.


Eligibility Requirements


  1. New to the digital economy and with no prior IT experience.
  2. Interested in developing your IT skills Training is offered in your state of residence.
  3. Willing to devote two hours per day to a self-paced certification.


You are interested?

Interested and qualified Applicants should apply via this link


Training starts on 5th December 2022.

Application deadline: Opens November 24, 2022, and closes November 30, 2022.

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