The Super Mario Bros. Movie will be coming our way in early April (be sure to check out our release date guide for region specifics) and it certainly looks like we are in for a video game adaptation that actually respects its source material. What a concept!
With every new trailer and poster comes more detailed peeks at Illumination’s take on The Mushroom Kingdom and all of the familiar faces that we are going to find therein. From series staples down to the more obscure characters, we have been pretty impressed by all of the silver screen tweaks and enhancements made to the appearance of the plumbers and pals. Were they really necessary, though? Are they better than what we get in the Mario games?
With your help, we are going to be solving that very question below. With the release of the character posters, we can now see all of the film’s starring cast in great detail and settle once and for all which design is better, film or game. We have collected together images of every character confirmed to appear in the film and placed it alongside their most recent video game style. You can get a good look at each and then vote in the character’s respective poll with your favourite design.
Let the comparisons begin!
This is the design that was either going to make or break the film. After all, nobody wants to see The Super Mario Bros. Movie with a lead character that looks like anything other than, uh, Mario.
Illumination has therefore played it pretty safe with this one. Sure, his eyes are a little smaller, his ‘tache a little hairier, his cheeks a little chubbier, but that’s still Mario through and through.
The changes here are much the same as they are with Mario. Luigi might not look quite as elongated as he does in the games and that nose is a little more bulbous than we expected, but the resemblance is still there.
Illumination’s Peach isn’t miles away from the game design, but there are some noticeable differences. Those eyes are much more pointed than we usually see in the games and her face is a little more compact. At least her hair has stayed much the same — even if it is slightly weird seeing a ‘realistic’ take on it.
There are really not all that many changes made to Toad. Sure, he has some teeth now, but it’s not as if the movie design has done anything drastic like giving him a nose or pupils *shivers*…