Zenitizer Provides a Clean and Simple Way to Help Meditate

A simple and well-designed app, it provides a perfect way to conduct unguided meditation.

If you’re new to meditation, the unguided option in the app provides different bells to tell you when a new timer stages has started and recurring bells to remind you to return your focus if thoughts drift off.

That’s different than guided meditation with a spoken narration.

With Zenitizer, you can custom the app how you want including with the duration of your sessions.

When you’ve found your favorite routine, you can save it as a routine. Those routines can also be started with a home screen widget or Siri Shortcuts.

The app can also help integrate meditation into your life. You can set a daily meditation goal and reach a goal to grow your streak. Progress toward a goal is available at a quick glance on your lock screen, home screen, or even as an Apple Watch complication.

All of the mindful minutes synchronize with Apple Health. For the most flexibility, you can even start a meditation through Siri, even on a HomePod. You can also stream meditation sessions and background sounds to AirPlay speakers or smart TVs in a home.

Zenitizer is for the iPhone and Apple Watch and can be downloaded now on the App Store for free.

There is an optional Zenitizer+ subscription available for $2.99 per month or $19.99 per year. Both of those options have a free, seven-day trial.

You can also purchase a lifetime subscription for $49.99.

With a subscription, you can unlock a number of additional features including routines, advance timer customizations, access to a curated selection of background sounds, a full selection of bell sounds to choose from, and the ability to manually log mindful minutes.


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