You Can Now Buy a .zip, .foo, or .dad Domain From Google

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There are dozens and dozens of top-level domains, or TLDs for short, serving as alternatives for overcrowded options like .com and .net. Google is now accepting registrations for more TLDs, including .dad and .phd.

Google has announced a range of new TLDs that are meant to be used for personal pages, projects, and portfolios. There are lots of new TLDs, from those for tech stuff (like .nexus, .zip, .foo, and .mov) to those for more professional stuff (like .phd, .esq, and .prof). There’s even .dad if you’re a father and you’re looking to set up a website ahead of Father’s Day.

Google had previously launched TLDs that have seen strong adoption, such as .app, and these ones seem like the perfect match for all kinds of personal business or, really, just a personal page with contact options. It’s a great way to put yourself and your services out there, or even just for a personal page you made for fun.

Each of the domains are in early access right now, so unless you’re a multinational corporation, you might not be able to grab one quite yet. The registration fees will go down each day until May 10, when all of them will be available at normal prices — after those big companies and brands steal some of the best ones. Keep an eye on Google Domains if you’re interested.

Source: Google


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