Barry has delivered jaw-dropping plot twists, but none have been as utterly delightful — or as unexpected — as the moment when a wild Guillermo del Toro appears in Season 4.
The Academy Award-winning director makes an appearance in the season’s third episode, “You’re Charming,” as a crime boss fittingly named Toro. That name is no coincidence. According to an interview in Deadline(opens in a new tab), Barry‘s co-creator and lead actor Bill Hader actually wrote del Toro into the show once del Toro told him he’d love to be a part of it.
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Del Toro’s enthusiasm about Barry extended to his behavior on set. In the Deadline interview, Hader discusses how the filmmaker brought his own cane for his character, as well as how he’d playfully tease Hader while he was directing.
“He was fucking with me a little bit,” Hader told Deadline. “He was like, ‘Are you really going to block it like this?'”
Del Toro’s appearance in Barry may be a bit of a surprise, but it’s not his first time getting written into a scripted TV comedy. That honor goes to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Remember the time Guillermo del Toro cameoed on It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia?
Del Toro worked with Always Sunny‘s Charlie Day on Pacific Rim, and according to an interview in CBR(opens in a new tab), del Toro told Day he was a huge fan of the show and would love to be part of it. From there, Day wrote del Toro the role of Pappy McPoyle, head of the McPoyle clan.
“I told Charlie to give me the most demeaning cameo he could,” del Toro jokes in a behind-the-scenes interview(opens in a new tab).
Just like del Toro brought his own cane to Barry, he had a glass eye made for the part of Pappy. He’s appeared in two episodes: “The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre” in Season 8, and “McPoyle vs. Ponderosa: The Trial of the Century” in Season 11.
So now that he’s conquered Always Sunny and Barry, what other comedies are on del Toro’s list? I, for one, would love to see him on The Other Two, but I’m open to others!
Barry‘s fourth and final season season is currently airing on HBO and streaming on HBO Max(opens in a new tab).