Yeedi Cube Review: A Vacuum Robot That Fits Under Any Sofa

The Yeedi Cube is a special robot vacuum with a mopping function. In addition to a whopping suction power of 5,100 Pa, Yeedi has included a 1 L water tank in the robot vacuum sans a water tank to hold clean water at the docking station. In addition, the vacuum and mopping robot does not have a mapping tower. Find out in this detailed nextpit review how the Yeedi Cube is still able to find its way around your home.


  • Simple, fast setup
  • Excellent navigation
  • 1 L water tank in the robot vacuum
  • Very flat design
  • Solid vacuuming performance
  • Great Yeedi app


  • First mapping effort is not error-free
  • Mopping performance has room for improvement

Yeedi Cube: All deals

In a nutshell

The Yeedi Cube is a reliable vacuum and mopping robot that can easily find its way around your home despite the lack of a mapping tower. The vacuuming performance is excellent, but the robot is not on the same level as existing flagships when it comes to mopping capability.

The Yeedi app is a user-friendly software at your side with numerous options to play around with to suit your needs. Finally, the docking station offers a vacuum function including a dust bag and a tank to store dirty water.

Disclaimer: This review is part of a collaboration between nextpit and Yeedi. The collaboration has no influence on outcome of the review and the editorial opinion of nextpit.

Unboxing and set up

Setting up the Yeedi Cube took only a few minutes in this review. The docking station does not have a water tank. Instead, Yeedi installed a 1 L water tank in the Cube. The Yeedi app comes with numerous setting options.


  • Quick, uncomplicated setup.
  • Easy-to-use Yeedi app.
  • Compact docking station.


When unboxing the Yeedi Cube, the unique design of your new robot vacuum catches your eye immediately: the robot vacuum does not feature a mapping tower. In other words, you do not get 360° laser navigation as well. However, we’ll come back to that topic in a moment. Apart from the Yeedi Cube, you will find the docking station made up of two parts in the package.

Yeedi Cube
The Yeedi Cube’s station consists of several parts that simply interlock with one another. If you’ve ever played with Lego, you’ll be able to piece them together in no time at all. / © nextpit

Once you have assembled and connected the docking station, you place the robot vacuum cleaner in the station and download the Yeedi app. The setup is simple and only takes a few minutes to complete. Enter your email and scan the QR code that’s located under the robot vacuum’s water tank—followed by adding the robot vacuum to the app.

Yeedi Cube water tank
The QR code to add the vacuum robot in the Yeedi app is hidden beneath the 1 L water tank of the Yeedi Cube. / © nextpit

Once you have added the Yeedi Cube to the app, the mapping process begins in a rather unusual manner. In this review, the robot vacuum required an incredible 38 minutes to map out a four-room apartment. What sounds negative at first has a very specific reason for it: Yeedi did not equip the Cube with a LiDAR tower for mapping purposes. Instead, the so-called “vision and laser fusion navigation system” is responsible for its orientation.

This navigation system is, at least partially, an active navigation system that uses a laser to measure its surroundings, among other things. This means the Yeedi Cube can also do its work in the dark, something that many other vacuum robots without a navigation tower and LiDAR navigation are unable to do. Another advantage is the robot vacuum’s height, measuring a mere 97 mm high and thus is comparatively flat. This allows it to fit under your super-stylish, lowered sofa without any issues.

Yeedi Cube
The Yeedi Cube doesn’t have a mapping tower but it does have three buttons and a lens that points upward. / © nextpit

The Yeedi Cube has one lens in front and another facing upwards. This means the vacuuming robot scans every inch of your home to fully memorize its new workplace. However, the result is still solid enough, although the Cube initially overlooked a room during mapping, it added it in the first round of cleaning. By the way, you can still merge or split rooms later using the Yeedi app.

Yeedi Cube
The Yeedi app has a simple design but has all the functions you need for precise control of the vacuuming and mopping robot. / © nextpit

The docking station also offers a unique setup. In addition to a 2.1 L dust bag, there’s a water tank in the docking station to store dirty water. In addition, the docking station lets the Yeedi Cube empty itself, while drying the mop at the same time. There is no tank to store clean water in the docking station, but Yeedi integrated a 1 L water tank in the robot vacuum itself. Hence, you refill clean water in the robot and empty out the dirty water at the docking station.

Yeedi Cube
The Yeedi Cube also has a dust container. The station empties it for you thanks to the suction function. / © nextpit

Finally, the Yeedi app has an option to add no-go zones as well as to name the individual rooms. You can also create schedules for each room and specify the vacuum power and water flow rate with which the Yeedi robot vacuum cleaner should adhere to in that particular area. Last but not least, the Yeedi app always keeps you informed about the remaining lifetime of the individual components.

Vacuum and mopping performance

With a full 5,100 Pa and two side brushes, the Yeedi Cube more or less guarantees a clean apartment by the time it is done with its task. However, the mopping and vacuuming robot leaves slightly sticky residues when working on our test spot. The navigation was flawless despite the lack of a laser tower.


  • 5,100 Pa suction power.
  • Good navigation.


  • Quite loud when vacuuming.
  • Mopping performance could be improved.

The Yeedi Cube has a decent repertoire of tools at its disposal for the cleaning process. In addition to a suction power of 5,100 Pa, the robot has two rotating side brushes and a wiping plate. In addition, you can choose between three suction levels and three levels for the water flow rate in the Yeedi app.

Yeedi Cube app
The Yeedi app offers you numerous settings for the suction power and the water flow rate, as well as specific rooms it should clean. / © nextpit

The result was surprisingly good compared to the fact that it is a $699 robot vacuum. In the nextpit benchmark, the Yeedi Cube impressed us all the way. In the review, the robot vacuum picked up 96 percent of the distributed oat flakes on smooth surfaces. It is almost the same rate with sand, where we found 95 percent of the scattered sand in the dust bag.

 Test volume (g)Suction volume (g)Efficiency (%)
Oatmeal (tiles)
Sand (tiles)
Sand (carpet)

On our test carpet, the Yeedi Cube gulped down 92 percent of the scattered sand and performed better than the Dreame L10 Prime. What’s good to know is how the Yeedi Cube raises its mop plate the moment it goes onto your carpet, ensuring that your precious carpet does not end up wet. Interestingly enough, the Yeedi Cube also increases its suction power automatically. Bear in mind the robot vacuum is really loud when it’s working at the highest suction level. This means watching TV while it is hard at work is no longer a very viable option. 

The mopping performance is probably the only shortcoming of the otherwise reliable cleaning assistant. In the review, the Yeedi Cube gave its all to remove a slightly dried ketchup stain, but unfortunately, the robot smeared the stain and left a slightly sticky residue instead of cleaning things up. In other words, the situation became worse. However, this is a typical problem that occurs with almost all robot vacuums with a mopping plate.

Yeedi Cube
The Yeedi Cube has two side brushes and a mopping plate. / © nextpit

The Yeedi Cube also comes with a spot-cleaning button. This is where you place the robot vacuum anywhere you want, and after pressing the button, the Yeedi Cube will then clean the immediate 1.5 m x 1.5 m area around that position. That’s all well and good, but let’s be honest, how often will you manually set the robot down in a dirty spot instead of performing the process from the comfort of your couch in the app?

Finally, the Yeedi robot’s navigation is flawless. In our review, the Yeedi Cube did not crash into any furniture as it realized there was an obstacle in front far earlier, stopping short of it or driving around the impassable spot at the drop of a hat.

Yeedi Cube
The Yeedi Cube found its way around our four walls very well. The only thing one should clear out of the way before cleaning is cables. / © nextpit

Last but not least, here’s a word about the Yeedi Cube’s battery performance. After a 43-minute vacuuming and mopping tour of our place, the robot cleaned 32m2 of living space and still had 42 percent battery life left. You can also view the live location of your robot vacuum in the Yeedi app. The charging process takes approximately 3.5 hours for a full charge.

Final verdict

If you are looking for an inexpensive robot vacuum with mopping capability at a really fair price, the Yeedi Cube is the right choice. For $699 a pop, you get a reliable robot vacuum with a docking station that includes a self-emptying function and a water tank to store dirty water.

Even without a mapping tower, navigation was flawless during the time we spent with it. When undergoing the mapping process, the robot vacuum will comb through the room(s) and complete the floor plan of your home during its first cleaning tour. The suction performance is excellent for a $699 robot vacuum. It is only its mopping performance that the Yeedi Cube did not really impress. You might be better off mopping tough stains yourself.

Nevertheless, the overall package of the Yeedi Cube is more than enough for $699. If you have so far stopped yourself from buying a $1,000 robot vacuum cleaner, you will find a great alternative in the Yeedi Cube. The Yeedi Cube receives a clear buy recommendation from nextpit, especially if you are looking for a particularly flat model to access more hard-to-reach places at home.

Yeedi Cube
The Yeedi Cube has a solid price-performance ratio. / © nextpit

Yeedi Cube

Yeedi Cube

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