Which Nintendo IP Should ‘Switch 2’ Launch With?

Jim Norman, Staff Writer

Nintendo Switch Sports
Image: Nintendo

Let’s get the low-hanging fruit out of the way first: Metroid Prime 4 or a new 3D Mario. At this point, there’s no way that Nintendo is cramming either of these into the final months of the Switch’s life. You know what, I might even throw that much-discussed Wind Waker port in there too — not all three as launch titles, to be clear, but maybe one or two.

Apart from that, I’m predicting some kind of ‘Nintendo Switch Sports Resort’. Switch Sports was hardly the cultural phenomenon that Wii Sports was, but that little blighter keeps selling like hotcakes — surely Nintendo can see the wiggle room for more. Ooh, and maybe something in the vein of Wii Party too! 1-2-Switch was a fun little tech demo back in 2017, but it would be nice to have a party game that sticks around for at least a couple of rounds next time.

Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer

Metroid Prime Samus
Image: Nintendo

Like Jim, I’m fully expecting the next console to launch with a new 3D Mario game. After all, Super Mario Odyssey came out all the way back in 2017, so it’s about time we got ourselves a new entry, right? As for Metroid Prime 4, yes I think it will release on the next console, but I’m not convinced it will be a launch title. The Metroid games, as amazing as they are, aren’t huge sellers compared to other Nintendo IP, so I can’t imagine Nintendo would lean on Metroid to boost its new console launch. Give it a few months after the system comes out, then we’ll see Metroid.

I think some sort of social / party game would be a pretty sensible addition, too, but I also think Nintendo will lean heavily on free upgrades for existing Switch games. Assuming the new console will be backwards compatible, let’s get Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom on there at 60fps. Or how about a version of Bayonetta 3 that actually looks quite nice? Heck, if Nintendo won’t do it, then I can certainly see third-party publishers picking up the slack. The Witcher 3 running at 60fps on a Nintendo handheld would be a dream.

Speaking of third-party, it’d be lovely to get a native version of Resident Evil 4 remake on the new console at launch. Go on, Capcom.

Alana Hagues, Deputy Editor

Paper Mario: The Thousand Years Door
Image: Nintendo

I think Switch 2’s launch library is going to be fairly small if I’m being honest. Outside of a handful of digital-only titles, some safe bets are some cross-gen titles like Metroid Prime 4, and some rereleases like Tears of the Kingdom — a complete edition with all the DLC included, whenever that happens…

For something a bit more out there, what about that long-rumoured Donkey Kong game? We’ve heard nothing from the Kongs outside of some LEGO sets and the Mario Movie. It might not make the launch date, but perhaps the first few months? Might be a bit weird having a Mario and DK game so close together.

For my last out-there vote, let’s carry on the love for the GameCube and Mario RPGs in general and get Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door on modern platforms. Fans have been begging for this to get a rerelease (it’s not cheap!), and a new console is the best time to do it.

Gavin Lane, Editor

Image: Nintendo

The team above has covered the bases for launch-period releases — Nintendo EPD’s next 3D platforming project, be it DK or Mario, and Metroid Prime 4 feel like no-brainers.

For me, this all hinges on whether the next console will offer backwards compatibility and, if so, whether the Switch successor will ‘enhance’ Switch games in any way. Given its history, I imagine some fans will be miffed if MP4 turns out not to launch on the current console. Alternatively, those same fans may well appreciate the extra power that a more modern console will presumably offer, not wanting to see the game’s potential constrained or have it trapped, Samus Returns-style, on outgoing hardware. It’s a tightrope walk for Nintendo.

What would I really like to see, though? Something new, unexpected. The sensible business approach is to iterate on Switch’s successful hybrid design, so new ideas and IP on the software side is where Nintendo can surprise and delight. Whether they hit or miss, those experiments are never less than fascinating. Splatoon feels like the last major hit for fresh Nintendo IP, and we’re up to #3 in that series already.

We’re sure to get the Marios, the Metroids, the Zeldas — it’s the new stuff I’m most eager to see. Or ARMS 2.

Well, those are some of our ideas but which do you think is the most likely? You can fill out the following poll to have your say but be sure to take to the comments with any that we have missed.

What games do you want to see the Switch 2 launch with? Give us your predictions, hopes, and dreams in the comments below.

Jim Norman, Staff Writer

Nintendo Switch Sports
Image: Nintendo

Let’s get the low-hanging fruit out of the way first: Metroid Prime 4 or a new 3D Mario. At this point, there’s no way that Nintendo is cramming either of these into the final months of the Switch’s life. You know what, I might even throw that much-discussed Wind Waker port in there too — not all three as launch titles, to be clear, but maybe one or two.

Apart from that, I’m predicting some kind of ‘Nintendo Switch Sports Resort’. Switch Sports was hardly the cultural phenomenon that Wii Sports was, but that little blighter keeps selling like hotcakes — surely Nintendo can see the wiggle room for more. Ooh, and maybe something in the vein of Wii Party too! 1-2-Switch was a fun little tech demo back in 2017, but it would be nice to have a party game that sticks around for at least a couple of rounds next time.

Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer

Metroid Prime Samus
Image: Nintendo

Like Jim, I’m fully expecting the next console to launch with a new 3D Mario game. After all, Super Mario Odyssey came out all the way back in 2017, so it’s about time we got ourselves a new entry, right? As for Metroid Prime 4, yes I think it will release on the next console, but I’m not convinced it will be a launch title. The Metroid games, as amazing as they are, aren’t huge sellers compared to other Nintendo IP, so I can’t imagine Nintendo would lean on Metroid to boost its new console launch. Give it a few months after the system comes out, then we’ll see Metroid.

I think some sort of social / party game would be a pretty sensible addition, too, but I also think Nintendo will lean heavily on free upgrades for existing Switch games. Assuming the new console will be backwards compatible, let’s get Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom on there at 60fps. Or how about a version of Bayonetta 3 that actually looks quite nice? Heck, if Nintendo won’t do it, then I can certainly see third-party publishers picking up the slack. The Witcher 3 running at 60fps on a Nintendo handheld would be a dream.

Speaking of third-party, it’d be lovely to get a native version of Resident Evil 4 remake on the new console at launch. Go on, Capcom.

Alana Hagues, Deputy Editor

Paper Mario: The Thousand Years Door
Image: Nintendo

I think Switch 2’s launch library is going to be fairly small if I’m being honest. Outside of a handful of digital-only titles, some safe bets are some cross-gen titles like Metroid Prime 4, and some rereleases like Tears of the Kingdom — a complete edition with all the DLC included, whenever that happens…

For something a bit more out there, what about that long-rumoured Donkey Kong game? We’ve heard nothing from the Kongs outside of some LEGO sets and the Mario Movie. It might not make the launch date, but perhaps the first few months? Might be a bit weird having a Mario and DK game so close together.

For my last out-there vote, let’s carry on the love for the GameCube and Mario RPGs in general and get Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door on modern platforms. Fans have been begging for this to get a rerelease (it’s not cheap!), and a new console is the best time to do it.

Gavin Lane, Editor

Image: Nintendo

The team above has covered the bases for launch-period releases — Nintendo EPD’s next 3D platforming project, be it DK or Mario, and Metroid Prime 4 feel like no-brainers.

For me, this all hinges on whether the next console will offer backwards compatibility and, if so, whether the Switch successor will ‘enhance’ Switch games in any way. Given its history, I imagine some fans will be miffed if MP4 turns out not to launch on the current console. Alternatively, those same fans may well appreciate the extra power that a more modern console will presumably offer, not wanting to see the game’s potential constrained or have it trapped, Samus Returns-style, on outgoing hardware. It’s a tightrope walk for Nintendo.

What would I really like to see, though? Something new, unexpected. The sensible business approach is to iterate on Switch’s successful hybrid design, so new ideas and IP on the software side is where Nintendo can surprise and delight. Whether they hit or miss, those experiments are never less than fascinating. Splatoon feels like the last major hit for fresh Nintendo IP, and we’re up to #3 in that series already.

We’re sure to get the Marios, the Metroids, the Zeldas — it’s the new stuff I’m most eager to see. Or ARMS 2.

Well, those are some of our ideas but which do you think is the most likely? You can fill out the following poll to have your say but be sure to take to the comments with any that we have missed.

What games do you want to see the Switch 2 launch with? Give us your predictions, hopes, and dreams in the comments below.

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