What Are You Playing This Weekend? (April 29th)

Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer

Not a lot going on this weekend gaming-wise for me: I’m meeting with some friends on Saturday and going to a food festival on Sunday. Oh, and I’m moving house too, no big deal. I’ll play some more Final Fantasy VI wherever I can though; I might be able to squeeze 10 minutes or so in here and there!

Jim Norman, Staff Writer

I have some friends coming round this weekend so it is probably going to be a big one for the ol’ party games. Say what you will about whether it is worth the price tag (it’s not), but Nintendo Switch Sports is still a great call for these exact occasions, so I’m ready to get my golf on.

If I have time then I am hoping to get a bit more Hollow Knight under my belt. I picked it up in the sale last week after (shamefully) never playing it. I’m around five hours in at this point and I am really, really enjoying what I’ve seen so far. They should think about making a sequel at some point…

Alana Hagues, Deputy Editor

It’s all Xenoblade Chronicles 3 for me this weekend. I haven’t had much time to put into Future Redeemed as of yet, but I already love the four new characters to death, and the new Affinity system is a joy and makes exploration even better. I can’t wait to see all the crazy Xenoblade lore come to fruition in the later hours.

That’s probably all I’ll be checking out to be honest. My favourite game of 2022 getting more content is enough to keep me happy. Enjoy your weekends, everyone!

Gavin Lane, Editor

I’ve got a couple of days off this weekend and I’d love to wrap up Tunic. I’m at the bit where [REDACTED] and I’ve collected four of the six [REDACTED]. It’s a beautiful, mysterious game, a real treat, although I’m missing being [REDACTED] — I really hope I’m [REDACTED] at some point!

Elsewhere, I went and bought Hollow Knight on sale and I wouldn’t mind diving into that quickly before TOTK arrives to destroy us all in a fortnight. I want to get back to The Last Worker, too. Lots to get done in the next couple of weeks.

Felix Sanchez, Video Producer

This weekend I’ll be deep in Metroid Prime Remastered. I started out here the other day and it’s absolutely incredible! Graphics, gameplay, music everything is just on point. I love how this game just doesn’t waste your time, I feel like I’ve experienced so much in the short time I’ve had with it so far. Stoked to play more, and can’t wait to experience what’s ahead of me!

Gonçalo Lopes, Reviewer

Last time I played an Advance Wars on the big screen was using the Gamecube Game Boy Player over two decades ago, so you better believe I will keep on playing Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp throughout the weekend and beyond! Hopefully I get to try a bit of The Pathless. Everspace 2 continues to deliver those infinite starry skies to plough through. Arcade Archives Galaga ‘88 joins last week’s Cosmo Gang: The Video as my go-to quick high-score fix.

Game of the Week is Xenoblade Chronicles 3! No way was I expecting to have Future Redeemed DLC to hit before the Summer (or Tears of the Kingdom) but here I am trying to figure out in the next two weeks why Shulk has a prosthetic right arm and Rex has a killer goatee.

We hope you enjoyed reading! Add the game that you’ll be maining this weekend to the poll below and then leave us a comment about your gaming plans.

Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer

Not a lot going on this weekend gaming-wise for me: I’m meeting with some friends on Saturday and going to a food festival on Sunday. Oh, and I’m moving house too, no big deal. I’ll play some more Final Fantasy VI wherever I can though; I might be able to squeeze 10 minutes or so in here and there!

Jim Norman, Staff Writer

I have some friends coming round this weekend so it is probably going to be a big one for the ol’ party games. Say what you will about whether it is worth the price tag (it’s not), but Nintendo Switch Sports is still a great call for these exact occasions, so I’m ready to get my golf on.

If I have time then I am hoping to get a bit more Hollow Knight under my belt. I picked it up in the sale last week after (shamefully) never playing it. I’m around five hours in at this point and I am really, really enjoying what I’ve seen so far. They should think about making a sequel at some point…

Alana Hagues, Deputy Editor

It’s all Xenoblade Chronicles 3 for me this weekend. I haven’t had much time to put into Future Redeemed as of yet, but I already love the four new characters to death, and the new Affinity system is a joy and makes exploration even better. I can’t wait to see all the crazy Xenoblade lore come to fruition in the later hours.

That’s probably all I’ll be checking out to be honest. My favourite game of 2022 getting more content is enough to keep me happy. Enjoy your weekends, everyone!

Gavin Lane, Editor

I’ve got a couple of days off this weekend and I’d love to wrap up Tunic. I’m at the bit where [REDACTED] and I’ve collected four of the six [REDACTED]. It’s a beautiful, mysterious game, a real treat, although I’m missing being [REDACTED] — I really hope I’m [REDACTED] at some point!

Elsewhere, I went and bought Hollow Knight on sale and I wouldn’t mind diving into that quickly before TOTK arrives to destroy us all in a fortnight. I want to get back to The Last Worker, too. Lots to get done in the next couple of weeks.

Felix Sanchez, Video Producer

This weekend I’ll be deep in Metroid Prime Remastered. I started out here the other day and it’s absolutely incredible! Graphics, gameplay, music everything is just on point. I love how this game just doesn’t waste your time, I feel like I’ve experienced so much in the short time I’ve had with it so far. Stoked to play more, and can’t wait to experience what’s ahead of me!

Gonçalo Lopes, Reviewer

Last time I played an Advance Wars on the big screen was using the Gamecube Game Boy Player over two decades ago, so you better believe I will keep on playing Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp throughout the weekend and beyond! Hopefully I get to try a bit of The Pathless. Everspace 2 continues to deliver those infinite starry skies to plough through. Arcade Archives Galaga ‘88 joins last week’s Cosmo Gang: The Video as my go-to quick high-score fix.

Game of the Week is Xenoblade Chronicles 3! No way was I expecting to have Future Redeemed DLC to hit before the Summer (or Tears of the Kingdom) but here I am trying to figure out in the next two weeks why Shulk has a prosthetic right arm and Rex has a killer goatee.

We hope you enjoyed reading! Add the game that you’ll be maining this weekend to the poll below and then leave us a comment about your gaming plans.

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