Volkswagen signs Onsemi for SiC automotive traction motor module

Onsemi EliteSiC M3e SiC die

“The solution features silicon carbide-based technologies in an integrated module that can scale across all power levels, to be compatible for all vehicle categories,” according to Onsemi.

It will have three integrated half-bridge modules mounted on a liquid cooling channel.

“We are very pleased to have Onsemi as a strategic supplier for the power box of the traction inverter for our first tranche in the SSP platform,” said Volkswagen board member Dirk Große-Loheide. “Onsemi has convinced us with a deeply verticalised supply chain from the growth of the raw material up to the assembly of the power box.”

“On top of the verticalisation, Onsemi has provided a resilient supply concept with regional silicon carbide fabs across Asia, Europe and the US,” said VW v-p Till von Bothmer. “In addition, Onsemi will continuously provide the latest SiC generation.”

Onsemi is planning to expand its silicon carbide manufacturing in the Czech Republic: “The investment would establish an end-to-end production facility in Europe for the traction inverter power system,” it said. “The proximity of Onsemi’s facility would fortify Volkswagen Group’s supply chain while improving logistics.”

The die it is providing will be from its third SiC generation, branded M3e. So far, there is only one M3e die: the 1.2kV 150A NCS025M3E120NF06, which has an Rds(on) of 11mΩ at 25°C.


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