If you’re looking to ruin some friendships, then boy, do we have a game for you. Dokapon Kingdom Connect launches on Switch on 8th May 2023, and this hybrid board game RPG has a bit of a reputation for being a brutal time with friends.
Originally released on the PS2 before jumping over to the Wii in 2008, Dokapon Kingdom was developed by cult studio Sting which created Treasure Hunter G, Baroque, and the Dept. Heaven series which includes Riviera: The Promised Land, Yggdra Union, and Knights in the Nightmare. Sting is known for its eclectic collection of RPGs, and Dokapon Kingdom is no different with the strongest heroes in the land attempting to battle it out to collect the most tax money for the king to win the princess’s hand in marriage.
Ahead of Dokapon Kingdom Connect’s release next month, our lovely video producer Zion gathered together some friends for a truly generous game of money theft and sword-slashing. All of this for marriage, hey? Joining Zion is the wonderful Felix, also from our YouTube channel, and the fabulous Craig, video producer over on our sister site Pure Xbox. Go and check out his work on the official Pure Xbox YouTube!
There are 11 jobs to choose from, and five game modes including a story mode and multiplayer modes, and the Switch game has both local and online multiplayer. And we’re giving you an exclusive look at just how this money bag of multiplayer shakes out. Will Zion, Felix, and Craig’s friendship remain strong amidst the trials and turbulence? You’ll have to watch the video to find out…
If you’re looking to ruin some friendships, then boy, do we have a game for you. Dokapon Kingdom Connect launches on Switch on 8th May 2023, and this hybrid board game RPG has a bit of a reputation for being a brutal time with friends.
Originally released on the PS2 before jumping over to the Wii in 2008, Dokapon Kingdom was developed by cult studio Sting which created Treasure Hunter G, Baroque, and the Dept. Heaven series which includes Riviera: The Promised Land, Yggdra Union, and Knights in the Nightmare. Sting is known for its eclectic collection of RPGs, and Dokapon Kingdom is no different with the strongest heroes in the land attempting to battle it out to collect the most tax money for the king to win the princess’s hand in marriage.
Ahead of Dokapon Kingdom Connect’s release next month, our lovely video producer Zion gathered together some friends for a truly generous game of money theft and sword-slashing. All of this for marriage, hey? Joining Zion is the wonderful Felix, also from our YouTube channel, and the fabulous Craig, video producer over on our sister site Pure Xbox. Go and check out his work on the official Pure Xbox YouTube!
There are 11 jobs to choose from, and five game modes including a story mode and multiplayer modes, and the Switch game has both local and online multiplayer. And we’re giving you an exclusive look at just how this money bag of multiplayer shakes out. Will Zion, Felix, and Craig’s friendship remain strong amidst the trials and turbulence? You’ll have to watch the video to find out…
Let us know whether you’re looking forward to Dokapon Kingdom Connect, and what you thought of this video, down in the comments.
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