We have crossed the two-month mark since The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom entered our lives, and what a two months it has been. It will come as no surprise that those opening days were filled to the brim with exploration, wonder and a fair few tears of our own, but now that we have had a chance to get past the initial excitement, are we all still on board?
Our wonderful video team have come together to share their thoughts on the TOTK journey so far after putting over 100 hours into the Hyrule exploration each. In the above video, Alex, Felix and Zion discuss the game’s highs, lows (not that there are all that many) and everything in between as they attempt to cohesively explain all of their wonderful gaming moments from the past two months.
Such a discussion means that there are some spoilers ahead, so do be wary if you still haven’t played as much Tears of the Kingdom as you would have liked.
We are sure that many of you will also be well into the 100+ hour region, so why not have a listen to our chat and see whether your experiences line up with ours so far? Of course, this little conversation is not to suggest that we are anything like ‘finished’ with the game, oh no. We can see Link’s latest taking up our downtime for many, many months to come yet.
We have crossed the two-month mark since The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom entered our lives, and what a two months it has been. It will come as no surprise that those opening days were filled to the brim with exploration, wonder and a fair few tears of our own, but now that we have had a chance to get past the initial excitement, are we all still on board?
Our wonderful video team have come together to share their thoughts on the TOTK journey so far after putting over 100 hours into the Hyrule exploration each. In the above video, Alex, Felix and Zion discuss the game’s highs, lows (not that there are all that many) and everything in between as they attempt to cohesively explain all of their wonderful gaming moments from the past two months.
Such a discussion means that there are some spoilers ahead, so do be wary if you still haven’t played as much Tears of the Kingdom as you would have liked.
We are sure that many of you will also be well into the 100+ hour region, so why not have a listen to our chat and see whether your experiences line up with ours so far? Of course, this little conversation is not to suggest that we are anything like ‘finished’ with the game, oh no. We can see Link’s latest taking up our downtime for many, many months to come yet.
If you have passed the 100-hour mark, what do you make of Tears of the Kingdom? Are you still head-over-heels for it or has the magic worn off? Let us know in the comments.
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