This is the ‘world’s first’ cultivated steak fillet. Fancy a bite?

A UK startup has produced another milestone in the strange science of lab-grown meat: the first-ever cultivated steak fillet.

The landmark was laid by 3D Bio-Tissues (3DBT), a bio-tech firm based in Newcastle. Founded in 2019, the company cultivated human corneas for vision-impaired people before applying its techniques to meat.

3DBT has good reasons for the move. CE Delft, an independent research firm, estimates that cultivated meat could cause 92% less global warming and 93% less air pollution, while using 95% less land and 78% less water.

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There is also a strong business case for the produce. Consulting firm McKinsey predicts the market for cultivated meat could reach $25 billion (€26 billion) by 2030.

The finished product