The Only Limit is Your Imagination When Using AnyMoji

Using the app is easy. To begin, just describe what you want to see in the emoji. There’s no limit on what you can choose from. Some of the things you can ask to see include pets, foods, celebrities, football teams, and much more. It takes a few minutes work, but the results are great.

The app uses a Stable Diffusion model fine-tuned on a range of enjoy and other images. The visual style of the emoji blends in with IOS while also being able to create a host of different images.

I enjoyed getting to test out the extremes of the app and came away really impressed. I didn’t expect it to provide a great emoji of such off-the-wall prompts like Apple CEO Tim Cook wearing a sombrero or a beagle with a football. If you don’t like the first result, keep trying with a longer or shorter description.

When you get the perfect result using the app, you can quickly share the results or copy to the clipboard to add in a message, email, or something else.

As an added plus, to make it even easier to import an emoji, there is an iMessage app available. In Messages, choose the + in the lower left corner and select AnyMoji Stickers. You can enter a prompt directly and just tap it to add to the message.

AnyMoji is made for the iPhone and is available to download now on the App Store for $2.99.

It’s a one-time purchase with no subscriptions or in-app purchases required to use the full power of the app.


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