The next trip you book online could be planned with ChatGPT

AI’s use in travel apps is nothing new — just think about the destination or hotel recommendations you get when booking a trip. But recent advances in generative AI are further shaking the sector. is the latest major travel agent to test the potential of the tech. Starting on June 28, the company is offering a beta AI trip planner, built upon its existing machine learning models and partially powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

In essence, the planner is a conversational chatbot that’s designed to help consumers across the entire scope of the trip planning process.

“We’re able to start having scalable, one-to-one conversations with our customers on their terms, much like how you would begin to talk about planning a trip with your partner or friends,” said Rob Francis, Booking’s CTO.

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Travellers can converse with the planner, which can in turn provide travel inspiration and suggest destinations, accommodation, and trip itineraries in real-time based on their needs and desires. Users can also refine their search options, see property prices, and book their stay directly.

Booking ChatGPT

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