Stephen King is finally teasing what a new Dark Tower story might look like

Stephen King clearly has the Dark Tower on his mind in a big way.

The author has been posting on X (formerly Twitter) about his eight-book series for the past few weeks, seemingly hinting that another story could be on the horizon.

The problem? His posts were about as vague as it’s possible to get. Or at least they were up until yesterday.

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On Tuesday, the horror legend finally dropped a hint about what a return to Mid-World might look like.

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“I think maybe Mejis, beside the Clean Sea. And America-side,” posted King, in response to a fan sharing his previous posts and asking “Where are you taking us?”. “I can’t stop thinking about Mid-World.”

Mejis, to recap, is a key location in the fourth Dark Tower novel, Wizard and Glass. It’s the place main character Roland Deschain travels to in his youth in what is essentially an undercover mission, to find out about the movements of political enemy John Farson. “America-side” refers to “our” world, which in King’s novels overlaps and intersects with Roland Deschain’s world.

The indication from King’s latest post is that he hasn’t started writing anything yet — he’s still in the idea phase. So if we do get to return to the Dark Tower universe, it likely won’t be for a while (unless Mike Flanagan’s TV adaptation gets there first, of course).

Stephen King


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