Site News: Suggest Questions For Our Upcoming Switch Summer Survey

Nintendo Switch Summer Survey 2024
Image: Nintendo Life

It’s now well over seven years since Nintendo launched the Switch and with the console now well into its eighth year — and with official confirmation that a new hardware announcement is coming soon(ish) — we thought it was a great time to look back over the generation and collect some stats about how you, our lovely readers, use the system in 2024 and if it’s changed at all since 2017.

Enter the Nintendo Switch Summer Survey 2024. We’re planning to send out a series of Switch-related questions in survey form in the next week or so, the results of which we’ll share in an article at a later date. All the questions will be optional and the results totally anonymous — it should give us all a fascinating picture of how we’re using our Switches all these years after launch.

We’re in the middle of assembling the questions. We’ve got the standard How many Switches do you own?, Do you ever pre-order games?, Do NL’s reviews and recommendations influence your purchase decisions?, and all that game, but we want to hear questions YOU would like the answers to.

If you’ve got a question you’d like to see posed to Nintendo Life’s entire readership in survey form, head down to the comments on this post and let us know. We’ll read each and every one and select the best of them to add to our Switch survey before we send it live.

Nintendo Switch OLED
Image: Damien McFerran / Nintendo Life

Apologies to our lovely readers in the Southern Hemisphere — but you know we love a little alliteration and ‘Switch Summer Survey’ just rolls off the tongue so well! What’s that? It’s not technically summer in the Northern Hemisphere either? Well, it will be when we post the results.

Any questions? You know what to do…

Nintendo Switch Summer Survey 2024
Image: Nintendo Life

It’s now well over seven years since Nintendo launched the Switch and with the console now well into its eighth year — and with official confirmation that a new hardware announcement is coming soon(ish) — we thought it was a great time to look back over the generation and collect some stats about how you, our lovely readers, use the system in 2024 and if it’s changed at all since 2017.

Enter the Nintendo Switch Summer Survey 2024. We’re planning to send out a series of Switch-related questions in survey form in the next week or so, the results of which we’ll share in an article at a later date. All the questions will be optional and the results totally anonymous — it should give us all a fascinating picture of how we’re using our Switches all these years after launch.

We’re in the middle of assembling the questions. We’ve got the standard How many Switches do you own?, Do you ever pre-order games?, Do NL’s reviews and recommendations influence your purchase decisions?, and all that game, but we want to hear questions YOU would like the answers to.

If you’ve got a question you’d like to see posed to Nintendo Life’s entire readership in survey form, head down to the comments on this post and let us know. We’ll read each and every one and select the best of them to add to our Switch survey before we send it live.

Nintendo Switch OLED
Image: Damien McFerran / Nintendo Life

Apologies to our lovely readers in the Southern Hemisphere — but you know we love a little alliteration and ‘Switch Summer Survey’ just rolls off the tongue so well! What’s that? It’s not technically summer in the Northern Hemisphere either? Well, it will be when we post the results.

Any questions? You know what to do…

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