Pokémon Scarlet & Violet is celebrating its two-year anniversary with a bumper list of in-game events, all of which culminate in the arrival of shiny Rayquaza, which you’ll be able to get for a limited time via Tera Raid Battles.
The black-coloured Rayquaza will be available in Scarlet & Violet from 20th December 2024 to 5th January 2025, but you’ll have to take it down and capture it in a 5-Star Tera Raid Battle. That’s not before a whole slew of events taking place in Paldea, Kitakami, and the Blueberry Academy, however.
Between 29th November and 19th December, three sets of Tera Raid Battle Events will be taking place. the first will feature Corbiknight and Bellibolt (until 5th December), the second Azumarill and Clodsire (until 12th December), and the third Annihilape and Kingambit (until 19th December).
Three Mass Outbreaks will also be popping up across all three regions in Scarlet & Violet during those same dates. Outbreaks of Tinkatink with the Ferocious Mark will pop up in Paldea until 5th December, followed by Wooper outbreaks in Kitakami with the Absent-Minded Mark until 12th December. Then, at the Blueberry Academy, Girafarig outbreaks (with the Intellectual Mark) will be happening until 19th December.
Other featured Pokémon, during the Rayquaza part of the event, will be Cetoddle (in Paldea), Carbink (Kitakami), and Fraxure (Blueberry Academy). So you’ll need both The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk DLC if you want to get everything.
Plus, if you want an easy way to level up, Chansey will also be appearing in mass outbreaks across Paldea for the duration of the event.
Shiny Rayquaza will also be getting a Multi Battle campaign in Pokémon UNITE in December, so it’s a busy month for what might be one of the best-looking shiny Pokémon.
Will you be attempting to capture shiny Rayquaza in Scarlet & Violet? Can you believe the game is two years old already? Let us know in the comments.
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet is celebrating its two-year anniversary with a bumper list of in-game events, all of which culminate in the arrival of shiny Rayquaza, which you'll be able to get for a limited time via Tera Raid Battles.
The black-coloured Rayquaza will be available in Scarlet & Violet from 20th December 2024 to 5th January 2025, but you'll have to take it down and capture it in a 5-Star Tera Raid Battle. That's not before a whole slew of events taking place in Paldea, Kitakami, and the Blueberry Academy, however.
Between 29th November and 19th December, three sets of Tera Raid Battle Events will be taking place. the first will feature Corbiknight and Bellibolt (until 5th December), the second Azumarill and Clodsire (until 12th December), and the third Annihilape and Kingambit (until 19th December).
Three Mass Outbreaks will also be popping up across all three regions in Scarlet & Violet during those same dates. Outbreaks of Tinkatink with the Ferocious Mark will pop up in Paldea until 5th December, followed by Wooper outbreaks in Kitakami with the Absent-Minded Mark until 12th December. Then, at the Blueberry Academy, Girafarig outbreaks (with the Intellectual Mark) will be happening until 19th December.
Other featured Pokémon, during the Rayquaza part of the event, will be Cetoddle (in Paldea), Carbink (Kitakami), and Fraxure (Blueberry Academy). So you'll need both The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk DLC if you want to get everything.
Plus, if you want an easy way to level up, Chansey will also be appearing in mass outbreaks across Paldea for the duration of the event.
Shiny Rayquaza will also be getting a Multi Battle campaign in Pokémon UNITE in December, so it's a busy month for what might be one of the best-looking shiny Pokémon.
Will you be attempting to capture shiny Rayquaza in Scarlet & Violet? Can you believe the game is two years old already? Let us know in the comments.
[source scarletviolet.pokemon.com]
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