Random: Zelda: TOTK Players Build Cucco Traps For An Easy Way To Farm Eggs

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Cucoo
Image: Nintendo Life

It didn’t take long for the good Zelda fans of the world to set their sites on the Koroks when Tears of the Kingdom was released a few weeks ago, and now, after countless times of watching these little guys getting rocketed, burnt, blown up or otherwise ‘oof’-ed, it seems that the community has set its sights on another target.

We are, of course, talking about Cuccos — any Zelda fan’s nemesis since they first jokingly took a swing at one back in Ocarina of Time. Unlike Koroks, this passive poultry is capable of dropping items when flustered, and that makes them all the more attractive a target to those bent on putting them through a living shell hell.

And so we get to this egg-farming contraption from @ZAKUYA_BOTW, a rather efficient build, we must say, but one that feels a little closer to factory farming than we initially expected from a game like Tears of the Kingdom.

As you can see, no Cuccos were hurt in this egg collection, but we imagine that they will have needed quite the breather upon being let out.

And that’s not all. We also spotted MellowMars540 over on Reddit showcase a similarly eggs-travagant design to load up on eggs quickly — once again putting a healthy layer of protection around the device to keep Link out of the flight path of any birds in a bad mood.

Of course, this level of Cucco torture pales in comparison to those builds which are a little more firey. We’ll leave you with this instant-grill design from @aquatic_ambi

Have you turned your building attention to Cuccos just yet? Let us know in the comments.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Cucoo
Image: Nintendo Life

It didn’t take long for the good Zelda fans of the world to set their sites on the Koroks when Tears of the Kingdom was released a few weeks ago, and now, after countless times of watching these little guys getting rocketed, burnt, blown up or otherwise ‘oof’-ed, it seems that the community has set its sights on another target.

We are, of course, talking about Cuccos — any Zelda fan’s nemesis since they first jokingly took a swing at one back in Ocarina of Time. Unlike Koroks, this passive poultry is capable of dropping items when flustered, and that makes them all the more attractive a target to those bent on putting them through a living shell hell.

And so we get to this egg-farming contraption from @ZAKUYA_BOTW, a rather efficient build, we must say, but one that feels a little closer to factory farming than we initially expected from a game like Tears of the Kingdom.

As you can see, no Cuccos were hurt in this egg collection, but we imagine that they will have needed quite the breather upon being let out.

And that’s not all. We also spotted MellowMars540 over on Reddit showcase a similarly eggs-travagant design to load up on eggs quickly — once again putting a healthy layer of protection around the device to keep Link out of the flight path of any birds in a bad mood.

Of course, this level of Cucco torture pales in comparison to those builds which are a little more firey. We’ll leave you with this instant-grill design from @aquatic_ambi

Have you turned your building attention to Cuccos just yet? Let us know in the comments.

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