Random: “Ultimate Console Database” Secures Ultra Rare Nintendo Labo Switch

Nintendo Switch Labo - Nintendo Life
Image: Nintendo Life / Nintendo

Remember that super rare Nintendo Labo themed Switch, exclusive to an official Nintendo competition? Well, it seems we might actually be able to find out a little more about it after “the ultimate” online console database ‘Consolevariations’ was able to secure this particular unit (for an undisclosed sum) after “5 years of searching” and one whole year of negotiations.

There are believed to be around seven of these special Nintendo Switch systems in the wild, according to the database – with the official Nintendo competition running in countries like the US, Canada, Europe and Australia back in 2018. In terms of the system’s “rarity” value, the site awards it a 98 out of 100, so yeah – if you ever encounter one, you should probably scoop it up.

As highlighted by the social channel of the database, this particular unit was acquired “directly” from one of the winners of this competition, so it can now be preserved. Nintendo also might apparently have some still in its posession, but the exact amount is unknown.

If you’re still wondering just how different this Labo Switch is compared to a regular one, former Nintendo of America employee Kit Ellis, who now co-hosts Kit & Krysta, says he was actually lucky enough to hold one of these unique units before the contest began. Supposedly it was “pretty amazing how it matched the look and feel of cardboard”.

And if you’re curious to know more about ‘Consolevariations’ – its mission is to build a database filled with the “rarest consoles in the world”. Some other rare systems on the site include a Need for Speed: Most Wanted PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance prototypes.

Nintendo Switch Labo - Nintendo Life
Image: Nintendo Life / Nintendo

Remember that super rare Nintendo Labo themed Switch, exclusive to an official Nintendo competition? Well, it seems we might actually be able to find out a little more about it after “the ultimate” online console database ‘Consolevariations’ was able to secure this particular unit (for an undisclosed sum) after “5 years of searching” and one whole year of negotiations.

There are believed to be around seven of these special Nintendo Switch systems in the wild, according to the database – with the official Nintendo competition running in countries like the US, Canada, Europe and Australia back in 2018. In terms of the system’s “rarity” value, the site awards it a 98 out of 100, so yeah – if you ever encounter one, you should probably scoop it up.

As highlighted by the social channel of the database, this particular unit was acquired “directly” from one of the winners of this competition, so it can now be preserved. Nintendo also might apparently have some still in its posession, but the exact amount is unknown.

If you’re still wondering just how different this Labo Switch is compared to a regular one, former Nintendo of America employee Kit Ellis, who now co-hosts Kit & Krysta, says he was actually lucky enough to hold one of these unique units before the contest began. Supposedly it was “pretty amazing how it matched the look and feel of cardboard”.

And if you’re curious to know more about ‘Consolevariations’ – its mission is to build a database filled with the “rarest consoles in the world”. Some other rare systems on the site include a Need for Speed: Most Wanted PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance prototypes.

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