Poll: What’s The Best RPG Starring Mario?

Just like previous reader-ranked polls, we’re asking you, the lovely readers, to rate every single RPG starring Mario you’ve played from the list below.

Registered Nintendo Life users can click on the stars below and rate the games out of 10. The resulting ranking (which we’ll publish in due course) is created from those fluid NL User Ratings and is therefore subject to change, even after publication. If you’ve previously rated these games in our database, thank you! If not, you can add your score to the game at any time, present or future, and it will still count and potentially influence the order.

Well, with that out of the way, press that Action Command and get voting.

Note: We’re including remakes in this poll too, which means the 3DS remakes in the Mario & Luigi series are up for the vote They all have their merits and bring something new to the table — whether it be new visuals, music, or side content. The Mario + Rabbids games are also included below — while they are tactical games with no levelling, they are still turn-based strategy RPGs with weapon upgrades and story content. Give us a “bwaaaaah!” in the comments if the Rabbids’ inclusion puts you in a bad mood

Rate each Mario RPG you’ve played:

Click the stars below to rate each Mario RPG you’ve played out of 10:

Thanks for rating your favourites and give us a shout if you think anything is missing.

We’ll be revealing the results very soon, but remember: much like our platform Top 50s, the list will be fluid, so even if you miss out on voting before the results are revealed, you can still influence the ranking after publication.

Just like previous reader-ranked polls, we’re asking you, the lovely readers, to rate every single RPG starring Mario you’ve played from the list below.

Registered Nintendo Life users can click on the stars below and rate the games out of 10. The resulting ranking (which we’ll publish in due course) is created from those fluid NL User Ratings and is therefore subject to change, even after publication. If you’ve previously rated these games in our database, thank you! If not, you can add your score to the game at any time, present or future, and it will still count and potentially influence the order.

Well, with that out of the way, press that Action Command and get voting.

Note: We’re including remakes in this poll too, which means the 3DS remakes in the Mario & Luigi series are up for the vote They all have their merits and bring something new to the table — whether it be new visuals, music, or side content. The Mario + Rabbids games are also included below — while they are tactical games with no levelling, they are still turn-based strategy RPGs with weapon upgrades and story content. Give us a “bwaaaaah!” in the comments if the Rabbids’ inclusion puts you in a bad mood

Rate each Mario RPG you’ve played:

Click the stars below to rate each Mario RPG you’ve played out of 10:

Thanks for rating your favourites and give us a shout if you think anything is missing.

We’ll be revealing the results very soon, but remember: much like our platform Top 50s, the list will be fluid, so even if you miss out on voting before the results are revealed, you can still influence the ranking after publication.

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