Multi-stage miniature thermoelectric coolers

Laird Thermal MSX Optical thermo electric

MSX Series have cold-side footprints down to 2 x 4mm, and thicknesses down to 3.3mm for two stages, 3.8mm for three stages and 4.9mm for four-stage coolers.

It has the “capability to integrate them into various optical packages, including TO-39, TO-46 or TO-8”, according to the company. “MSX Series utilises ceramic materials, proprietary solder bonding and next-generation thermoelectric materials to boost cooling capacity by as much as 10%, all in a micro footprint.”

Up to 5W of heat pumping capacity is claimed, and stabilisation from room temperature down to 180K, with no outgassing.

In general, most products from the range are custom – and as well as unique substrates, two solder constructions are available (reflow up to 230°C or 280ºC) and there are gold-plated pads or uninsulated lead wires for conductor attachment.​

Manufacturing is in the USA, and the Series is undergoing Telcordia GR-468 CORE qualification.

“Process automation has enabled a new level of miniaturisation for our MSX multistage series,” said Laird product director said Andrew Dereka. “Developing proprietary capabilities with minimal solder voiding ensures that our customers receive optical thermoelectric assemblies with the highest quality, without the hassle of building assemblies themselves.”

Applications are expected with IR detectors, x-ray detectors, CCD image sensors and CMOS image sensors – for analytical, industrial and aerospace applications.

The MSX product page can be found here


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