Earlier this year at Minecraft Live 2024, Mojang announced a creepy new biome and mob update for the game.
‘The Garden Awakens update’ has now officially launched – allowing players to explore this eerie new biome, meet the creaking, and uncover the “secrets” of its heart. You’ll also get access to new blocks, hanging moss, and much more.
Here are the full patch notes for this Minecraft update, courtesy of the official support page:
A Creaking Heart is a “living” block generating in Pale Oak trees, covered on all sides by Pale Oak wood logs. It can spawn a Creaking mob when it is night time, and it is placed between two correctly aligned Pale Oak log blocks.
The Creaking mob spawns at night in the Pale Garden biome if there is a Creaking Heart block that has been generated in a Pale Oak tree. Gameplay features:
An activated Creaking will not move if a player is looking at it
Creaking is invulnerable to damage
When hit, a particle trail is shown between the Creaking and the Creaking Heart block it is connected to
When the Creaking Heart block the Creaking is connected to is destroyed, the Creaking is removed
Is not affected by light levels but spawns and despawns based on day/night cycle
Creaking cannot enter Boats
Creaking spawned from a Creaking Heart cannot go through portals
The Creaking Spawn Egg will spawn a Creaking mob that is not connected to a Creaking Heart. The Creaking mob will persist through day and night, loads and saves, and will take damage from attacks and other damage sources. It has one point of health (half a heart)
Creaking summoned from the Creaking Heart cannot be spawned with a spawn egg, nor can it be summoned with commands. It can only exist as a part of the Creaking Heart block
Player wearing a carved pumpkin on their head can look at Creaking without it freezing in place
When a Creaking Heart is destroyed, its Creaking will twitch for a few seconds before crumbling
Creakings spawned by a Creaking Heart will crumble when stuck in a hole with a Player for more than 5 seconds
- This prevents a potential soft lock, as the invulnerable Creaking would prevent the player from mining or placing any blocks, requiring them to exit and re-enter the world to force the Creaking to despawn
A Creaking crumbling causes nearby Sculk Catalysts to bloom
- However, no Sculk will be placed since the Creaking does not drop any XP
Creaking plays 4 different sway sounds
Creaking plays new attack sounds
Eyeblossoms are new flowers that generate in the Pale Garden biome. Unique features:
Ambient sounds in the Pale Garden biome do not come from the biome settings but are generated by blocks found in the biome
Pale Garden is a biome variation of Dark Forest. Unique features:
Pale Hanging Moss generates naturally in the Pale Garden biome under the foliage of Pale Oaks
Pale Moss block generates naturally in the Pale Garden biome. Unique features:
The following blocks now only drop when broken with a pickaxe: Blast Furnace, Cauldron, Dispenser, Dropper, Enchanting Table, Furnace, Hopper, and Smoker (MCPE-33950)
The following blocks that require support now always drop when broken with any tool: all Copper Doors, Iron Door, Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate, Light Weighted Pressure Plate, Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate, and Stone Pressure Plate
Budding Amethyst is now slower to mine with an improper tool
The following blocks (which always drop) are now mined faster when using the incorrect tool: Bell, Brewing Stand, Crafter, Ender Chest, Lantern, and Soul Lantern. Note that the Ender Chest is considered an ‘always drops block’ even though the drop is not an Ender Chest (MCPE-176374)
Swords can now cut Bamboo Saplings instantly, as they do Bamboo
Axes no longer mine Bamboo Saplings and Moss Carpets faster
Pickaxes and Shovels no longer mine Bamboo as quickly as Axes
Maces no longer mine Cobwebs faster than other non-Sword tools
Heavy Core is now faster to mine with any improper tool
A Note Block placed above Heavy Core now plays the proper sound
Crafter now can be mined quickly with any Pickaxe
If you somehow manage to mine a Dragon Egg, which is almost impossible, it no longer requires a Pickaxe to drop and is equally quick to mine with any tool
Copper Trapdoors and Copper Bulbs now require a Stone Pickaxe or better for drops and quick mining
Swords no longer mine all blocks faster than bare hands, instead doing that only for some plant-type blocks that aren’t already insta-minable, such as Leaves, Pumpkins, Big Dripleaf, Chorus Flower, Chorus Plant, Cocoa, Glow Lichen, Melon Block, Moss Carpet, and Vines (MCPE-93323)
Stone Button and Polished Blackstone Button no longer require a Pickaxe to drop, and are now faster to mine with any improper tool (MCPE-162158)
Updated Heavy Core’s item texture
The following blocks now only drop when broken with a pickaxe: Blast Furnace, Cauldron, Dispenser, Dropper, Enchanting Table, Furnace, Hopper, and Smoker (MCPE-33950)
The following blocks that require support now always drop when broken with any tool: all Copper Doors, Iron Door, Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate, Light Weighted Pressure Plate, Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate, and Stone Pressure Plate
Budding Amethyst is now slower to mine with an improper tool
The following blocks (which always drop) are now mined faster when using the incorrect tool: Bell, Brewing Stand, Crafter, Ender Chest, Lantern, and Soul Lantern. Note that the Ender Chest is considered an ‘always drops block’ even though the drop is not an Ender Chest (MCPE-176374)
Fixed an issue where the color of a Shulker Box was not listed as part of the name (MCPE-182930)
Grass and Nylium no longer decay to Dirt and Netherrack when below Slime, Honey, Hopper, or Chemical Heat (Education Edition block) (MCPE-62132)
Grass and Nylium now decay to Dirt and Netherrack when below Observer
Trial Spawners with a Mob set by a Spawn Egg no longer revert to an empty state when their cooldown ends (MCPE-185960)
Azalea, Flowering Azalea, Mangrove, Cherry, and Pale Oak Leaves no longer display black pixels from a distance (MCPE-156469)
Mangrove Leaves now have a dedicated texture for when “Fancy Leaves” is disabled (MCPE-170516)
The orientation of the Pale Oak Leaves texture is no longer randomized for each block
Moss Blocks now have a quieter step and land sound (MCPE-176933)
Decorated Pots no longer activate Observers on world load
Sculk Sensors now detect Eyeblossoms opening and closing
Fixed all Skull block variants being turned into skeleton_skull when opening a world-template version locked below 1.21.40 or structures. Please note, this fix will not apply to already overwritten chunks
Textures for Bricks, Nether Bricks, Red Nether Bricks, Resin Bricks, and related blocks have been updated to be horizontally aligned with all other brick blocks (MCPE-187806)
Closed Eyeblossoms no longer poison Bees
The Poison effect from Open Eyeblossoms now also damages Bees while they are within the block, rather than only upon exiting
Reduced the duration of the Poison effect applied by Open Eyeblossoms
Adjusted the frequency of ambient sounds emitted by Eyeblossoms, Creaking Hearts, and Pale Hanging Moss to better align with Java
The effect durations of Suspicious Stew have been adjusted to be the same across versions
Suspicious Stew from Open Eyeblossom now grants the same Blindness duration as Suspicious Stew from Azure Bluet (MCPE-187802)
Change the order of tabs in the Settings screen
Fixed a bug where players on the manage members screen are not updated when returning from ‘Find friends’
Improved feedback to user when Realm uploads fail due to naming
When enabling experiments in world settings (OreUI) we no longer faulty state that it would “Automatically turn on Cheats”. (MCPE-181435)
The item currently selected inside a Bundle is now correctly displayed as part of the Bundle’s icon when the Bundle is placed in the inventory or Crafting Table’s crafting grid
The sounds of moving items in or out of a Bundle now originate from the player’s location instead of the corner of the block the player is standing on (MCPE-186619)
Fixed a bug where the world name text would sometimes show up wrong on the pause menu (MCPE-179702)
Fixed a visual glitch which could occur when navigating between the death screen and game menu.
Fixed a bug with inventory touch controls where items could not be distributed across existing item stacks of the same item (MCPE-164543)
Added UI controls for enabling/disabling beds working and the percentage of players sleeping needed to pass the night
The items “short_grass”, “fern”, “seagrass” and “vine” are now brighter in the inventory, they used to be incorrectly multiplied by a shade a green (MCPE-53775)
Hid Create from template
button and Import world
button when in Trial mode.
Tweaked position of paper doll to not overlap with UI bars (MCPE-186341)
Mobile devices: Going into windowed/split-screen mode no longer overwrites saved positions of customized controls (MCPE-185964)
Thai font rendering improvements for chat and signs. (MCPE-166005)
Added missing quickswap animations in GUI for several blocks
Bundles that are moved under a player’s cursor now correctly update their tooltip
The size of Shield items no longer changes when the item is moved between slots
Bundles that are moved under a player’s cursor now correctly update their tooltip
It is now possible to collect crafting output with a bundle to add the crafted items to the bundle
Touch Controls: Fixed a bug where boats were interactable during control customization (MCPE-184404, MCPE-184406)
Touch controls: in joystick modes, it is now possible to double tap “fly up” to stop flying. (MCPE-185237)
Touch controls: tapping fly up and fly down in quick succession no longer causes the player to stop flying. (MCPE-185236)
Tools in the hotbar no longer animate when their durability decrease (MCPE-186979)
Remove ‘X’ closing button from the Command Block UI when player is using Gamepad
A popup now appears showing the item’s name when it is selected in a Bundle’s tooltip on touch screen devices
Enabled selecting disabled buttons on the ‘join friends’ menu while crossplay is turned off
Dualsense gamepads now have correct tooltip icons on mobile devices
Fixed spacing on Realms Stories and Timeline pages
Touch Controls: Fixed a bug where boats were interactable during control customization . (MCPE-184404)
Fixed a bug where the death screen and new bed screen would sometimes have incorrect textures applied when resource packs were used (MCPE-178701, MCPE-184050)
Items in a Bundle tooltip now have a gray background
Touch controls: Fixed a bug where the camera could sometimes get stuck after leaving a boat . (MCPE-184406)
Bundle tooltip correctly appears after being placed from the cursor
Gamepad tooltips are now correct when hovering the crafting output in Inventory Screen and Crafting Table Screen with a bundle on the cursor
Screenshots: Added the ability to Feature and Showcase screenshots for others to see when they visit your Profile. Added ability to set custom world thumbnail from screenshots.
Using the scroll wheel when hovering a Bundle placed in hotbar with creative inventory search tab active now selects an item in the Bundle
Fixed a spelling error in an advanced tip for worlds with resource packs
Fixed a bug where duplicate gamepad input hints would be shown in certain scenarios on the death screen when using multiple input methods
Migrated JSON UI Trial Mode modal that was shown in Create New World and Edit World to Ore UI
Earlier this year at Minecraft Live 2024, Mojang announced a creepy new biome and mob update for the game.
'The Garden Awakens update' has now officially launched - allowing players to explore this eerie new biome, meet the creaking, and uncover the "secrets" of its heart. You'll also get access to new blocks, hanging moss, and much more.
Here are the full patch notes for this Minecraft update, courtesy of the official support page:
A Creaking Heart is a "living" block generating in Pale Oak trees, covered on all sides by Pale Oak wood logs. It can spawn a Creaking mob when it is night time, and it is placed between two correctly aligned Pale Oak log blocks.
The Creaking mob spawns at night in the Pale Garden biome if there is a Creaking Heart block that has been generated in a Pale Oak tree. Gameplay features:
An activated Creaking will not move if a player is looking at it
Creaking is invulnerable to damage
When hit, a particle trail is shown between the Creaking and the Creaking Heart block it is connected to
When the Creaking Heart block the Creaking is connected to is destroyed, the Creaking is removed
Is not affected by light levels but spawns and despawns based on day/night cycle
Creaking cannot enter Boats
Creaking spawned from a Creaking Heart cannot go through portals
The Creaking Spawn Egg will spawn a Creaking mob that is not connected to a Creaking Heart. The Creaking mob will persist through day and night, loads and saves, and will take damage from attacks and other damage sources. It has one point of health (half a heart)
Creaking summoned from the Creaking Heart cannot be spawned with a spawn egg, nor can it be summoned with commands. It can only exist as a part of the Creaking Heart block
Player wearing a carved pumpkin on their head can look at Creaking without it freezing in place
When a Creaking Heart is destroyed, its Creaking will twitch for a few seconds before crumbling
Creakings spawned by a Creaking Heart will crumble when stuck in a hole with a Player for more than 5 seconds
- This prevents a potential soft lock, as the invulnerable Creaking would prevent the player from mining or placing any blocks, requiring them to exit and re-enter the world to force the Creaking to despawn
A Creaking crumbling causes nearby Sculk Catalysts to bloom
- However, no Sculk will be placed since the Creaking does not drop any XP
Creaking plays 4 different sway sounds
Creaking plays new attack sounds
Eyeblossoms are new flowers that generate in the Pale Garden biome. Unique features:
Ambient sounds in the Pale Garden biome do not come from the biome settings but are generated by blocks found in the biome
Pale Garden is a biome variation of Dark Forest. Unique features:
Pale Hanging Moss generates naturally in the Pale Garden biome under the foliage of Pale Oaks
Pale Moss block generates naturally in the Pale Garden biome. Unique features:
The following blocks now only drop when broken with a pickaxe: Blast Furnace, Cauldron, Dispenser, Dropper, Enchanting Table, Furnace, Hopper, and Smoker (MCPE-33950)
The following blocks that require support now always drop when broken with any tool: all Copper Doors, Iron Door, Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate, Light Weighted Pressure Plate, Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate, and Stone Pressure Plate
Budding Amethyst is now slower to mine with an improper tool
The following blocks (which always drop) are now mined faster when using the incorrect tool: Bell, Brewing Stand, Crafter, Ender Chest, Lantern, and Soul Lantern. Note that the Ender Chest is considered an 'always drops block' even though the drop is not an Ender Chest (MCPE-176374)
Swords can now cut Bamboo Saplings instantly, as they do Bamboo
Axes no longer mine Bamboo Saplings and Moss Carpets faster
Pickaxes and Shovels no longer mine Bamboo as quickly as Axes
Maces no longer mine Cobwebs faster than other non-Sword tools
Heavy Core is now faster to mine with any improper tool
A Note Block placed above Heavy Core now plays the proper sound
Crafter now can be mined quickly with any Pickaxe
If you somehow manage to mine a Dragon Egg, which is almost impossible, it no longer requires a Pickaxe to drop and is equally quick to mine with any tool
Copper Trapdoors and Copper Bulbs now require a Stone Pickaxe or better for drops and quick mining
Swords no longer mine all blocks faster than bare hands, instead doing that only for some plant-type blocks that aren't already insta-minable, such as Leaves, Pumpkins, Big Dripleaf, Chorus Flower, Chorus Plant, Cocoa, Glow Lichen, Melon Block, Moss Carpet, and Vines (MCPE-93323)
Stone Button and Polished Blackstone Button no longer require a Pickaxe to drop, and are now faster to mine with any improper tool (MCPE-162158)
Updated Heavy Core's item texture
The following blocks now only drop when broken with a pickaxe: Blast Furnace, Cauldron, Dispenser, Dropper, Enchanting Table, Furnace, Hopper, and Smoker (MCPE-33950)
The following blocks that require support now always drop when broken with any tool: all Copper Doors, Iron Door, Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate, Light Weighted Pressure Plate, Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate, and Stone Pressure Plate
Budding Amethyst is now slower to mine with an improper tool
The following blocks (which always drop) are now mined faster when using the incorrect tool: Bell, Brewing Stand, Crafter, Ender Chest, Lantern, and Soul Lantern. Note that the Ender Chest is considered an 'always drops block' even though the drop is not an Ender Chest (MCPE-176374)
Fixed an issue where the color of a Shulker Box was not listed as part of the name (MCPE-182930)
Grass and Nylium no longer decay to Dirt and Netherrack when below Slime, Honey, Hopper, or Chemical Heat (Education Edition block) (MCPE-62132)
Grass and Nylium now decay to Dirt and Netherrack when below Observer
Trial Spawners with a Mob set by a Spawn Egg no longer revert to an empty state when their cooldown ends (MCPE-185960)
Azalea, Flowering Azalea, Mangrove, Cherry, and Pale Oak Leaves no longer display black pixels from a distance (MCPE-156469)
Mangrove Leaves now have a dedicated texture for when "Fancy Leaves" is disabled (MCPE-170516)
The orientation of the Pale Oak Leaves texture is no longer randomized for each block
Moss Blocks now have a quieter step and land sound (MCPE-176933)
Decorated Pots no longer activate Observers on world load
Sculk Sensors now detect Eyeblossoms opening and closing
Fixed all Skull block variants being turned into skeleton_skull when opening a world-template version locked below 1.21.40 or structures. Please note, this fix will not apply to already overwritten chunks
Textures for Bricks, Nether Bricks, Red Nether Bricks, Resin Bricks, and related blocks have been updated to be horizontally aligned with all other brick blocks (MCPE-187806)
Closed Eyeblossoms no longer poison Bees
The Poison effect from Open Eyeblossoms now also damages Bees while they are within the block, rather than only upon exiting
Reduced the duration of the Poison effect applied by Open Eyeblossoms
Adjusted the frequency of ambient sounds emitted by Eyeblossoms, Creaking Hearts, and Pale Hanging Moss to better align with Java
The effect durations of Suspicious Stew have been adjusted to be the same across versions
Suspicious Stew from Open Eyeblossom now grants the same Blindness duration as Suspicious Stew from Azure Bluet (MCPE-187802)
Change the order of tabs in the Settings screen
Fixed a bug where players on the manage members screen are not updated when returning from 'Find friends'
Improved feedback to user when Realm uploads fail due to naming
When enabling experiments in world settings (OreUI) we no longer faulty state that it would "Automatically turn on Cheats". (MCPE-181435)
The item currently selected inside a Bundle is now correctly displayed as part of the Bundle's icon when the Bundle is placed in the inventory or Crafting Table's crafting grid
The sounds of moving items in or out of a Bundle now originate from the player's location instead of the corner of the block the player is standing on (MCPE-186619)
Fixed a bug where the world name text would sometimes show up wrong on the pause menu (MCPE-179702)
Fixed a visual glitch which could occur when navigating between the death screen and game menu.
Fixed a bug with inventory touch controls where items could not be distributed across existing item stacks of the same item (MCPE-164543)
Added UI controls for enabling/disabling beds working and the percentage of players sleeping needed to pass the night
The items "short_grass", "fern", "seagrass" and "vine" are now brighter in the inventory, they used to be incorrectly multiplied by a shade a green (MCPE-53775)
Hid Create from template
button and Import world
button when in Trial mode.
Tweaked position of paper doll to not overlap with UI bars (MCPE-186341)
Mobile devices: Going into windowed/split-screen mode no longer overwrites saved positions of customized controls (MCPE-185964)
Thai font rendering improvements for chat and signs. (MCPE-166005)
Added missing quickswap animations in GUI for several blocks
Bundles that are moved under a player's cursor now correctly update their tooltip
The size of Shield items no longer changes when the item is moved between slots
Bundles that are moved under a player's cursor now correctly update their tooltip
It is now possible to collect crafting output with a bundle to add the crafted items to the bundle
Touch Controls: Fixed a bug where boats were interactable during control customization (MCPE-184404, MCPE-184406)
Touch controls: in joystick modes, it is now possible to double tap "fly up" to stop flying. (MCPE-185237)
Touch controls: tapping fly up and fly down in quick succession no longer causes the player to stop flying. (MCPE-185236)
Tools in the hotbar no longer animate when their durability decrease (MCPE-186979)
Remove 'X' closing button from the Command Block UI when player is using Gamepad
A popup now appears showing the item's name when it is selected in a Bundle's tooltip on touch screen devices
Enabled selecting disabled buttons on the 'join friends' menu while crossplay is turned off
Dualsense gamepads now have correct tooltip icons on mobile devices
Fixed spacing on Realms Stories and Timeline pages
Touch Controls: Fixed a bug where boats were interactable during control customization . (MCPE-184404)
Fixed a bug where the death screen and new bed screen would sometimes have incorrect textures applied when resource packs were used (MCPE-178701, MCPE-184050)
Items in a Bundle tooltip now have a gray background
Touch controls: Fixed a bug where the camera could sometimes get stuck after leaving a boat . (MCPE-184406)
Bundle tooltip correctly appears after being placed from the cursor
Gamepad tooltips are now correct when hovering the crafting output in Inventory Screen and Crafting Table Screen with a bundle on the cursor
Screenshots: Added the ability to Feature and Showcase screenshots for others to see when they visit your Profile. Added ability to set custom world thumbnail from screenshots.
Using the scroll wheel when hovering a Bundle placed in hotbar with creative inventory search tab active now selects an item in the Bundle
Fixed a spelling error in an advanced tip for worlds with resource packs
Fixed a bug where duplicate gamepad input hints would be shown in certain scenarios on the death screen when using multiple input methods
Migrated JSON UI Trial Mode modal that was shown in Create New World and Edit World to Ore UI