It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for Retro Studios to get Metroid Prime 4 out the door, and well technically speaking it’s been more than six years since the original announcement. One of the more recent updates was about a company recruitment drive, so what’s the latest? The Nintendo-focused YouTube channel ‘SuperMetalDave64’ has reportedly spotted some new information online related to a new Retro Studios partnership and details about Metroid Prime 4’s playtesting.
The latest video from this channel sheds light on a new Retro “production partnership” with Next-Gen Dreams 3D – a “triple AAA co-developer production studio for hire” that has previously worked with companies like Ubisoft and TakeTwo and specialises in stylised trailers. It previously worked on a Game Awards trailer for the TakeTwo title Judas. The head of Next-Gen also has Retro Studios listed on their work profile with the date of “September 2022” attached.
One other supposed finding comes from the LinkedIn profile of Edwin Atwell – a game tester and quality assurance developer who claims to have been playing a demo of Metroid Prime 4 for the past 10 months while using the bug-tracking software Jira. The same individual has also recently helped ship some major Call of Duty titles.
The YouTuber behind these findings speculates a reveal or announcement of sorts could potentially be on the horizon, but at the moment, it’s probably best not to get too excited given just how long we’ve already had to wait. On Nintendo’s official release schedule, Metroid Prime 4 is officially tagged with ‘TBA’.

It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for Retro Studios to get Metroid Prime 4 out the door, and well technically speaking it’s been more than six years since the original announcement. One of the more recent updates was about a company recruitment drive, so what’s the latest? The Nintendo-focused YouTube channel ‘SuperMetalDave64’ has reportedly spotted some new information online related to a new Retro Studios partnership and details about Metroid Prime 4’s playtesting.
The latest video from this channel sheds light on a new Retro “production partnership” with Next-Gen Dreams 3D – a “triple AAA co-developer production studio for hire” that has previously worked with companies like Ubisoft and TakeTwo and specialises in stylised trailers. It previously worked on a Game Awards trailer for the TakeTwo title Judas. The head of Next-Gen also has Retro Studios listed on their work profile with the date of “September 2022” attached.
One other supposed finding comes from the LinkedIn profile of Edwin Atwell – a game tester and quality assurance developer who claims to have been playing a demo of Metroid Prime 4 for the past 10 months while using the bug-tracking software Jira. The same individual has also recently helped ship some major Call of Duty titles.
The YouTuber behind these findings speculates a reveal or announcement of sorts could potentially be on the horizon, but at the moment, it’s probably best not to get too excited given just how long we’ve already had to wait. On Nintendo’s official release schedule, Metroid Prime 4 is officially tagged with ‘TBA’.
Do you think we’ll finally see Metroid Prime 4 this year? Let us know in the comments.
[source youtu.be, via gamerant.com]
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