Latest iOS 17 patch marginally improves older iPhone battery life

iPhone 13 Pro
iPhone 13 has a better battery life under iOS 17.0.3 than it did with iOS 17.
Photo: Leander Kahney/Cult of Mac

iOS 17.0.3 increases the battery life of nearly all older iPhones. However, tests done on a variety of models found that the patch released this week generally doesn’t make dramatic improvements.

That said, there’s very good news for anyone still using an iPhone XR.

iOS 17 battery life improves a bit

Testing shows that the first version of iOS 17 reduced the battery life of an array of older models. And the first two rounds of “bug fix” patches didn’t make consistent improvements — iPhone 13 did better but iPhone 12 did worse, for example.

iOS 17.0.3 launched October 4 to fix a bug that caused the iPhone 15 series to run hot. But this same bug might also have been lowering the battery lives of previous models.

Tests done by iAppleBytes on a range of older iPhone models found that virtually all of them last longer on a single charge running iOS 17.0.3 than they did when running iOS 17.

Battery life on a range of iPhone models running iOS 17.0.3.
Tests show that iOS 17.0.3 somewhat increased the battery life of most older iPhone models. (Click for larger image)
Chart: iAppleBytes

For the most part, the changes aren’t huge, though. iPhone 13 increased 4%, for example. The iPhone XR is the standout, with a 30% improvement. On the other hand, iPhone 12 went down slightly.

And there’s room for improvement. Even with 17.0.3, the iPhone 13 and iPhone 12 battery lives are shorter than when running iOS 16.6.1, which a great many iPhone users are still on.


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