How to Turn Off AMBER Alerts and Other Loud Notifications

The AMBER Alert system came to be after a tragic event in 1996. Nine-year-old Amber Hagerman was abducted while riding her bicycle in Arlington, Texas. Despite a massive search effort, Amber was found murdered four days later.

Her case spurred the creation of the AMBER Alert system, named in her honor, to more rapidly disseminate information about missing children to the public.

As for how it got on our phones, that traces back to the Warning, Alert and Response Network (WARN) Act of 2006. This legislation mandated the creation of the Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee by the FCC. This laid the groundwork for what we now know as the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) system.

FEMA provides the necessary training and tools to help designated local officials create and disseminate these alerts effectively. The collaboration between the FCC, FEMA and private cellular providers aimed to push crucial emergency information directly to our phones.

While the option to disable AMBER and other emergency alerts is available, it’s important to weigh the convenience against the potential benefits. Public safety alerts play a crucial role in keeping communities safe and informed.

We updated this article in conjunction with AI technology, then made sure it was fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.


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