How to Fix “This iPhone is Open in Another Window” Error

Fix iPhone open another window on Mac error

Some iPhone users are experiencing an error message that says “This iPhone is open in another window” when attempting to sync music between their Mac and iPhone. Users may see the error message even when there is no other window open in the Music app on Mac, making this a peculiar error message that doesn’t necessarily make sense.

If you experience the “This iPhone is open in another window” when attempting to use Music on Mac to sync music between your iPhone and Mac, read along for troubleshooting steps.

Fix the “iPhone open in another window” Error on Mac Music

This is an annoying error message because it doesn’t necessarily make sense when it’s encountered and there are no other windows open, and it can prevent you from syncing music with iPhone and Mac. Let’s take a look at some of the fixes that have resolved the issue for many users.

Fix #1: Quit Music, Close All Windows, Relaunch

The first fix to try is this: Quit the Music app, then close all Finder windows. Relaunch Music, and attempt to sync the iPhone to the Mac with Music app again. This works for some users as well.

Fix #2: In Music app, Access the iTunes Store, then iPhone

The second fix to try is this: when the iPhone is connected to the Mac and showing the “iPhone is open in another window” message, look at the left sidebar of the Music app and select “iTunes Store”. Wait a moment for iTunes Store to load, then click on back to select your iPhone. This resolves the issue for many users.

Fix #3: Force Relaunch Finder

The third fix to try is this: press Command+Option+ESC to bring up the Force Quit menu on the Mac. Select “Finder”, and click on “Relaunch” – note this force quits Finder, and you won’t want to do this if you’re in the middle of some Finder activity.

Once the Finder has relaunched, close any Finder windows that are open related to the iPhone, then return to the Music app and attempt to sync iPhone and Mac again.

If you see this particular error message you’re certainly not alone, it is widely experienced still to this day.

Did the above tips resolve your “This iPhone is open in another window” error? Have you experienced this error on the Mac with Music and iPhone, and found another solution? What worked for you to troubleshoot this problem? Let us know your experiences in the comments.


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