You can do the same on iPhone and iPad under Settings > Reddit using the “Show NSFW Content (18+)” toggle.
On Android, access your user settings within the Reddit app by tapping on your user icon then accessing User Settings > View Options and toggling the “Show NSFW Content (I’m over 18)” setting.
To view content marked as not safe for work on Reddit, you’ll need to sign up for an account and change your user settings. If you don’t do this, you’ll see a warning in place of the content. Here’s how to change these settings to disable (or enable) NSFW content.
Toggle NSFW Reddit Content on the Web
You’ll need to register for a Reddit account to view NSFW content on Reddit, since there’s no way to remove these warnings without one.
After registering, log in to your account using a web browser on the Reddit home page. Now click on your user icon in the top-right corner of the page and select “User Settings” from the menu that appears.
On the settings page, click on the “Feed Settings” tab at the top of the screen.
On the Feed Settings tab, enable or disable the “Adult content” toggle, depending on whether you want to see or not see NSFW posts. Turn it on to see NSFW content and turn it off to hide NSFW content.
You can also enable “Safe browsing mode” to blur thumbnails and media previews on potentially NSFW content. You’ll be able to remove the blur when you click on the content in question.
If you use the classic old.reddit.com version of Reddit, you can make this change by logging in and clicking “Preferences” in the top-right corner of the page, and then scrolling down to “Content Options” to toggle the “I am over eighteen years old and willing to view adult content” checkbox on or off.
Toggle NSFW Reddit Content on Mobile
Enabling NSFW on mobile is a separate toggle, which means you can leave NSFW content off on mobile while still being able to see it on the standard browser version of Reddit.
The instructions for changing this setting vary depending on whether you have the Reddit app for iPhone and iPad or Android. Instructions for third-party apps vary, though as a rule of thumb, enabling NSFW content on the web version of Reddit should enable this content within third-party apps too.
Enable NSFW Reddit Content on iPhone and iPad
You can enable sensitive content on Reddit for iPhone and iPad using a setting that, confusingly, isn’t visible within the app itself. Before you begin, make sure you’re logged in to the correct account within the Reddit app. Next, head to Settings and scroll down until you find the Reddit app and tap on it.
At the bottom of the list, you’ll see a few options for NSFW content, including “Show NSFW Content (18+)” and “Blue NSFW Images” that you can enable or disable. You’ll need to change these settings if you switch accounts within the Reddit app.
Enable NSFW Reddit Content on Android
To enable or disable NSFW content within Reddit for Android, launch the app and make sure you’re logged in. Tap on your user icon in the top-left corner of the screen and access the “User Settings” menu. Under “View Options” enable or disable the “Show NSFW Content (I’m over 18)” option.
What Reddit Classifies as “Not Safe For Work”
Reddit has traditionally used an “NSFW” flag as a catch-all for potentially sensitive content, including but not limited to nudity, violence, profanity, drug use, alcohol and tobacco, guns and weapons, and gambling. Reddit is currently in the process of trialing community content tags in a bid to better categorize the content.
Most communities will still use the NSFW tag to hide all or some content. Whole subreddits and accounts can be marked as NSFW. In other subreddits, users and admins will elect to only mark certain posts as potentially inappropriate (many of which may seem innocuous but can lead to potentially NSFW discussions.)
Reddit user accounts will be marked as “NSFW” if you participate in any type of community marked as NSFW. This can be changed under User Settings > Profile.
Do More With Reddit
Reddit is a hive of activity, but it can be a useful resource. Posting on Reddit can help you troubleshoot your tech problems, as can searching more efficiently on Reddit.
Don’t forget to create a throwaway Reddit account for anything you don’t want to be associated with your main account, though.