How to Automatically Cancel Your Amazon Prime Trial Before It Renews – Review Geek

The side of an open Amazon box
Hannah Stryker / Review Geek

If you don’t use any of Amazon’s services, you probably don’t need a Prime membership. However, you may occasionally redeem a 30-day free trial to take advantage of Prime Day or enjoy a new show on Prime Video. Here’s how to ensure that you aren’t hit with a renewal fee.

Most people set a date in their calendar and try to manually cancel their Prime membership at just the right time. That’s too much of a hassle. All you need to do is tell Amazon that you want the trial to automatically end before the renewal date.

Here’s how to automatically cancel your Prime trial before it renews:

  • Desktop Instructions:
    1. Click the “Account and Lists” menu at the top-right corner of the Amazon website. Then, select “Prime Membership.”
    2. Select “Update, Cancel, and More” at the top-right corner of your screen. A dropdown menu should appear. Click “End Membership.”
    3. Amazon will lecture you about Prime’s benefits. Click “Continue to Cancel.”
    4. Scroll down to find the “End Now” button. Next to it, you’ll see a button that automatically cancels Prime on your renewal date.
  • Mobile App Instructions:
    1. Tap the profile icon (the little man) at the bottom of the Amazon app.
    2. Select “Your Account.”
    3. Scroll down until you find the “Account Settings” section. Tap “Manage Prime Membership.”
    4. Tap the “Manage Membership” dropdown menu. Then, select “Manage Membership” from that menu.
    5. Press “End Membership.” Then, “Continue to Cancel.”
    6. Scroll down a bit and find the “End Now” button. Next to it is a button that automatically cancels Prime on your renewal date.

Note that if you’re paying for Prime and you want a refund, you need to press the “End Now” button. Amazon will give you a partial refund dependent on the number of days left in your subscription.

If this process seems overly complicated, you’re not wrong. Amazon employs several dark patterns to dissuade people from canceling Prime. And if you aren’t a member, Amazon will try to shove a Prime trial in your cart every time you buy something. The FTC recently filed a complaint on this subject, as it believes that Amazon’s dark patterns “may be” in violation of U.S. law.

Anyway, enjoy the duration of your Prime trial. If you haven’t already, now’s a good time to dig through Prime Video and watch any shows or movies that you can’t get on other services.


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