God of War Ragnarök’s New Game Plus (NG+) update is now available and with it comes a ton of new options for Kratos builds!
Without our amazing QA team, both God of War Ragnarök and NG+ would not have been possible. Not only do they have incredible game knowledge, but our QA folks are also some of the most creative when it comes to coming up with unique playstyles.
We went to a selection of our top combat specialists in QA to get their favorite builds that are now possible with NG+, scratching just the surface of the many powerful combinations that can be made with this update!
Can’t Touch This
Build by: Wilson Santiago, QA Analyst
Try this if you like:
- Glass cannon playstyle
- High mobility and damage output
- Last-second evades/counters
- Realm Shifts
This set-up will let you dance around your enemies until you get the perfect opening to strike with massive damage. Built around proficiency with last-second evades and counter-striking, this build uses Realm Shifts and increased damage against status-afflicted enemies to bob and weave between opponents while punishing every miss. If you’re confident in timing your dodges, this set-up can shred even the likes of Valkyrie Queen Gná and King Hrolf… just don’t get hit!
- [NEW IN NG+] Cloak of the Black Bear – Increases immunity duration while evading, last-second evades fire a volley of Bifröst shards.
- [NEW IN NG+] Gauntlets of Zeus – Increases Melee and Runic damage by 20%, but also increases damage received by 40%.
- Belt of Radiance
- [NEW IN NG+] Meign – Strength/Cooldown stat boost.
- Vanaheim Set Bonus
- Sigil of Doom
- Emblem of the Nine Realms
- Memento of the Ailing
- Emblem of Elusion
- Boon of Valor or Boon of Wrath
Weapon Attachments
- Leviathan Axe: Grip of the Nine Realms
- Blades, Spear, Shield Rönd: Anything prioritizing Strength stat.
Spartan Rage
Companion – Weapons
- Atreus: Jötnar Bow
- Freya: Mardoll
Companion – Accessories
- Runic Potency III
- Nocked Proficiency III
- Sigil Amplification III
Companion – Runic Summon
- Atreus: Falcon’s Dive
- Freya: Player Preference
How does it play?
While squishy compared other builds, the new Cloak of the Black Bear pairs perfectly with the Belt of Radiance to reward you for timing those last-second evades with both Bifröst damage and a Realm Shift. By equipping the Grip of the Nine Realms and the Hilt of Hofuð, you’ll also have two activated Realm Shifts at your disposal, which means you can cut through the toughest of enemies while they’re stuck in place long enough to make Heimdall jealous.
This build is also amazing at keeping the Hex status applied on enemies, as Atreus and Freya can do so using only two arrows. Between Kratos and your companion, you should be able to keep your enemies consistently status-afflicted to make the most of your buffs.
This build allows Permafrost, Immolation, and Maelstrom gauges to fill incredibly fast, so you’ll be able to take full advantage of each Realm Shift to melt enemy healthbars.
Status Striker
Build by: TJ Gilbert, Senior QA Analyst
Try this if you like:
- Bare-handed/Shield combat
- Frequent Runic and Rage usage
- Status Effects
- Stunning enemies
This set-up is built around rapidly applying the poison status and building up stun with bare-handed attacks, while also reducing the cooldown time on your powerful Runic Attacks and Relic for frequent use. Pummel your enemies into submission while building up Rage to release a massive wave of damage once you’re ready to unleash your Wrath.
- Giptumaðr’s Breastplate
- Lúnda’s Lost Bracers
- Fate Breaker Belt
- [NEW IN NG+] Lúnda’s Engraving – Bare-handed attacks, Parrying, and Blocking have a chance to deal bonus damage and poison enemies, lowering their Power Level.
- Boon of Wrath
- Stunning Fang
- Vanaheim Set Bonus
- Svartalfheim Set Bonus
Weapon Attachments
- Leviathan Axe: Grip of Weighted Recovery
- Blades of Chaos: Cursed Empress Handles
- Draupnir Spear: Hind of Weightless Recovery
- Shield Rönd: Player Preference
Spartan Rage
Companion – Weapons, Accessories, Runic Summons:
- Atreus and Freya: Player Preference
How does it play?
This build uses the new Enchantment Lúnda’s Engraving to give you access to the powerful Vanir Poison Perk from Lúnda’s Lost Cuirass while having Giptumaðr’s Breastplate equipped to grant you Fortune’s Refresh. As both Perks scale off Luck, this build invests heavily in that stat to ensure you’ll have a high chance to proc their effects with your attacks.
Start the encounter by applying poison to your enemies with bare-handed attacks to make the most of your set buffs that increase damage against status-afflicted enemies. This set also increases stun and damage to stunned enemies, so using your fists and shield creates a lot of opportunities for extra punishment on top of status application. Use your Runic Attacks and Hilt of Garm to proc the Fortune’s Refresh Perk to restore Cooldown on your powerful abilities for frequent usage while consistently building up Rage.
Once you have enough in your Spartan Rage Meter, make sure your enemies are status-afflicted and activate Wrath. With the Boon of Wrath and Vanaheim Enchantment Set Bonus, the shockwave from your activation will consume the status and deal massive damage!
The Minefield
Build by: Wilson Santiago, QA Analyst
Try this if you like:
- Frequent Rage usage
- AoE burst damage
- That noise Health and Rage Stones make when they get crunched
- Lots of Explosions
This build is all about the RAGE! Using pieces of the new Ares Armor, this set-up boasts high burst damage capabilities by maximizing the chance that Health and Rage Stones drop, turning each one into a deadly blast. Make even the most unassuming arenas a minefield of pain for your enemies with this explosively good combo!
- [NEW IN NG+] Cuirass of Ares – Rage hits have a chance to drop a Health Stone. Health Stones will also grant Rage and all stones trigger bigger explosions.
- Giptumaðr’s Gauntlets
- [NEW IN NG+] War Belt of Ares – Activating Rage when Rage Meter is fill increases all damage done for a short duration.
- [NEW IN NG+] Mannvit – Runic/Cooldown stat boost.
- [NEW IN NG+] Fjölkyngi – Runic/Vitality stat boost.
- Niflheim Set Bonus
- Stone Idol of Souls
- Seal of Runic Storm
- Eir’s Armament
- Boon of Valor
Weapon Attachments:
- All: Anything prioritizing high Runic and/or Luck
Spartan Rage:
Companion – Weapons:
- Atreus and Freya: Player Preference
Companion – Accessories:
Companion – Runic Summon:
- Atreus: Bitter Squirrel
- Freya: Player Preference
How does it play?
This build is very unique and a TON of fun! The primary goal is making use of exploding Health and Rage Stones as much as possible during the fight to turn the ground just as hostile to your enemies as Kratos.
With this set-up, you’ll get incredible value when you activate your Spartan Rage. The Boon of Valor and War Belt of Ares will both provide you a powerful damage buff, while the Cuirass of Ares increases the chance that a Health Stone will drop, as well as the damage caused when you explode them. Additionally, the Cuirass will synergize well with the Stone Idol of Souls Enchantment to give you more consistent Rage replenishment for frequent use.
With this build’s extremely high Luck stat, you’ll have a big chance for a stone to drop from any Runic Attack or Rage hit. Combine that with the Bitter Squirrel Runic Summon and you’ll be stomping stones left and right throughout every encounter.
Once you’ve got the ground covered, get in close and activate the Hilt of Hofuð Relic to keep your enemies locked in place with a Realm Shift while you crush the stones to chain high damage explosions!
Zeus’ Wrath
Build by: Evan Gilbert, QA Analyst
Try this if you like:
- Huge AoE damage
- Crowd control
- Frequent use of Runic Attacks and Relic
- Swapping weapons
This build encourages repeated Runic Attacks and Relic usage through Cooldown buffs to keep the ground covered in high-damage AoEs while cycling weapons. Not only does this set-up mete out punishment to multiple enemies at once, but it also emphasizes crowd control and positioning capabilities so you can take full control over the battlefield like a true Spartan general.
- Giptumaðr’s Breastplate
- Berserker Gauntlets
- [NEW IN NG+] War Belt of Zeus – Increases Melee and Runic damage by 20%, while increasing damage received by 40%.
- [NEW IN NG+] Vald – Cooldown/Strength stat boost.
- [NEW IN NG+] Mannvit – Runic/Cooldown stat boost.
- [NEW IN NG+] Hjartablóð – Vitality/Luck stat boost.
- [NEW IN NG+] Guiding Light Engraving – Chance to increase Strength, Runic, and Luck of Kratos’ weapons.
- [NEW IN NG+] Fallen Stars Engraving – Greatly reduces damage taken when using a Runic Attack or Relic.
- Attuned Runic Gem
- Seal of the Runic Storm
- Boon of Wrath
- Use for Multiple Enemy Encounters: Eir’s Armaments
- [NEW IN NG+] Use for Boss Encounters: Radiance Engraving – Chance to grant a Blessing of Runic on any last-second evade.
Leviathan Axe:
- Attachment: Grip of the Nine Realms – Chosen for stat boost, do not use Momentous Shift unless necessary as it will consume your Permafrost gauge.
- Light Runic: Winter’s Bite
- Heavy Runic: Mists of Helheim
Blades of Chaos:
- Attachment: Pommels of the True Flame
- Light Runic: Flame of Anguish
- Heavy Runic: Meteoric Slam
Draupnir Spear:
- Attachment: Hind of Weightless Recovery
- Light Runic: Whisper of the World
- Heavy Runic: Vindsvalr’s Windstorm
- Dauntless Shield
- Rönd of Expedition
Spartan Rage:
Companion – Weapons, Accessories, Runic Summons:
- Atreus and Freya: Player Preference
How does it play?
This build is especially great when dealing with groups of enemies. It has an emphasis on large AoE Runic Attacks and Cooldown reduction, so reaching multiple foes across any arena won’t be a problem. Frequent use of your Runic Attacks and Relic may leave Kratos vulnerable while he casts them, so be careful with your timing and positioning when using this build.
Begin an encounter by using the Hilt of Hrotti. This Relic will apply a mark to enemies that heavily reduces Cooldown when dealing damage to them. Then quickly use a Runic Attack from each weapon to activate the effect of the Seal of Runic Storm for additional Bifröst damage. If you need to group enemies up, use the Draupnir Spear’s Light Runic Attack Whisper of the World before you start applying your heavy-hitting AoEs.
Continue cycling through your weapons while using your Runic Attacks to build momentum which will result in even more buffs and reductions in cooldown times. Since you will be applying status effects with your Runic Attacks, once your Spartan Rage Meter has filled you can activate Wrath to deal heavy damage.
We hope these builds have inspired you to jump back into God of War Ragnarök’s New Game + mode! There are countless combinations waiting to be discovered, we can’t wait to see what our community creates.
Got a creative build? Share it with us on the official Santa Monica Studio Discord!For the latest updates around God of War Ragnarök, make sure you follow Santa Monica Studio on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
God of War Ragnarök’s New Game Plus (NG+) update is now available and with it comes a ton of new options for Kratos builds!
Without our amazing QA team, both God of War Ragnarök and NG+ would not have been possible. Not only do they have incredible game knowledge, but our QA folks are also some of the most creative when it comes to coming up with unique playstyles.
We went to a selection of our top combat specialists in QA to get their favorite builds that are now possible with NG+, scratching just the surface of the many powerful combinations that can be made with this update!
Can’t Touch This
Build by: Wilson Santiago, QA Analyst
Try this if you like:
- Glass cannon playstyle
- High mobility and damage output
- Last-second evades/counters
- Realm Shifts
This set-up will let you dance around your enemies until you get the perfect opening to strike with massive damage. Built around proficiency with last-second evades and counter-striking, this build uses Realm Shifts and increased damage against status-afflicted enemies to bob and weave between opponents while punishing every miss. If you’re confident in timing your dodges, this set-up can shred even the likes of Valkyrie Queen Gná and King Hrolf… just don’t get hit!
- [NEW IN NG+] Cloak of the Black Bear – Increases immunity duration while evading, last-second evades fire a volley of Bifröst shards.
- [NEW IN NG+] Gauntlets of Zeus – Increases Melee and Runic damage by 20%, but also increases damage received by 40%.
- Belt of Radiance
- [NEW IN NG+] Meign – Strength/Cooldown stat boost.
- Vanaheim Set Bonus
- Sigil of Doom
- Emblem of the Nine Realms
- Memento of the Ailing
- Emblem of Elusion
- Boon of Valor or Boon of Wrath
Weapon Attachments
- Leviathan Axe: Grip of the Nine Realms
- Blades, Spear, Shield Rönd: Anything prioritizing Strength stat.
Spartan Rage
Companion – Weapons
- Atreus: Jötnar Bow
- Freya: Mardoll
Companion – Accessories
- Runic Potency III
- Nocked Proficiency III
- Sigil Amplification III
Companion – Runic Summon
- Atreus: Falcon’s Dive
- Freya: Player Preference
How does it play?
While squishy compared other builds, the new Cloak of the Black Bear pairs perfectly with the Belt of Radiance to reward you for timing those last-second evades with both Bifröst damage and a Realm Shift. By equipping the Grip of the Nine Realms and the Hilt of Hofuð, you’ll also have two activated Realm Shifts at your disposal, which means you can cut through the toughest of enemies while they’re stuck in place long enough to make Heimdall jealous.
This build is also amazing at keeping the Hex status applied on enemies, as Atreus and Freya can do so using only two arrows. Between Kratos and your companion, you should be able to keep your enemies consistently status-afflicted to make the most of your buffs.
This build allows Permafrost, Immolation, and Maelstrom gauges to fill incredibly fast, so you’ll be able to take full advantage of each Realm Shift to melt enemy healthbars.
Status Striker
Build by: TJ Gilbert, Senior QA Analyst
Try this if you like:
- Bare-handed/Shield combat
- Frequent Runic and Rage usage
- Status Effects
- Stunning enemies
This set-up is built around rapidly applying the poison status and building up stun with bare-handed attacks, while also reducing the cooldown time on your powerful Runic Attacks and Relic for frequent use. Pummel your enemies into submission while building up Rage to release a massive wave of damage once you’re ready to unleash your Wrath.
- Giptumaðr’s Breastplate
- Lúnda’s Lost Bracers
- Fate Breaker Belt
- [NEW IN NG+] Lúnda’s Engraving – Bare-handed attacks, Parrying, and Blocking have a chance to deal bonus damage and poison enemies, lowering their Power Level.
- Boon of Wrath
- Stunning Fang
- Vanaheim Set Bonus
- Svartalfheim Set Bonus
Weapon Attachments
- Leviathan Axe: Grip of Weighted Recovery
- Blades of Chaos: Cursed Empress Handles
- Draupnir Spear: Hind of Weightless Recovery
- Shield Rönd: Player Preference
Spartan Rage
Companion – Weapons, Accessories, Runic Summons:
- Atreus and Freya: Player Preference
How does it play?
This build uses the new Enchantment Lúnda’s Engraving to give you access to the powerful Vanir Poison Perk from Lúnda’s Lost Cuirass while having Giptumaðr’s Breastplate equipped to grant you Fortune’s Refresh. As both Perks scale off Luck, this build invests heavily in that stat to ensure you’ll have a high chance to proc their effects with your attacks.
Start the encounter by applying poison to your enemies with bare-handed attacks to make the most of your set buffs that increase damage against status-afflicted enemies. This set also increases stun and damage to stunned enemies, so using your fists and shield creates a lot of opportunities for extra punishment on top of status application. Use your Runic Attacks and Hilt of Garm to proc the Fortune’s Refresh Perk to restore Cooldown on your powerful abilities for frequent usage while consistently building up Rage.
Once you have enough in your Spartan Rage Meter, make sure your enemies are status-afflicted and activate Wrath. With the Boon of Wrath and Vanaheim Enchantment Set Bonus, the shockwave from your activation will consume the status and deal massive damage!
The Minefield
Build by: Wilson Santiago, QA Analyst
Try this if you like:
- Frequent Rage usage
- AoE burst damage
- That noise Health and Rage Stones make when they get crunched
- Lots of Explosions
This build is all about the RAGE! Using pieces of the new Ares Armor, this set-up boasts high burst damage capabilities by maximizing the chance that Health and Rage Stones drop, turning each one into a deadly blast. Make even the most unassuming arenas a minefield of pain for your enemies with this explosively good combo!
- [NEW IN NG+] Cuirass of Ares – Rage hits have a chance to drop a Health Stone. Health Stones will also grant Rage and all stones trigger bigger explosions.
- Giptumaðr’s Gauntlets
- [NEW IN NG+] War Belt of Ares – Activating Rage when Rage Meter is fill increases all damage done for a short duration.
- [NEW IN NG+] Mannvit – Runic/Cooldown stat boost.
- [NEW IN NG+] Fjölkyngi – Runic/Vitality stat boost.
- Niflheim Set Bonus
- Stone Idol of Souls
- Seal of Runic Storm
- Eir’s Armament
- Boon of Valor
Weapon Attachments:
- All: Anything prioritizing high Runic and/or Luck
Spartan Rage:
Companion – Weapons:
- Atreus and Freya: Player Preference
Companion – Accessories:
Companion – Runic Summon:
- Atreus: Bitter Squirrel
- Freya: Player Preference
How does it play?
This build is very unique and a TON of fun! The primary goal is making use of exploding Health and Rage Stones as much as possible during the fight to turn the ground just as hostile to your enemies as Kratos.
With this set-up, you’ll get incredible value when you activate your Spartan Rage. The Boon of Valor and War Belt of Ares will both provide you a powerful damage buff, while the Cuirass of Ares increases the chance that a Health Stone will drop, as well as the damage caused when you explode them. Additionally, the Cuirass will synergize well with the Stone Idol of Souls Enchantment to give you more consistent Rage replenishment for frequent use.
With this build’s extremely high Luck stat, you’ll have a big chance for a stone to drop from any Runic Attack or Rage hit. Combine that with the Bitter Squirrel Runic Summon and you’ll be stomping stones left and right throughout every encounter.
Once you’ve got the ground covered, get in close and activate the Hilt of Hofuð Relic to keep your enemies locked in place with a Realm Shift while you crush the stones to chain high damage explosions!
Zeus’ Wrath
Build by: Evan Gilbert, QA Analyst
Try this if you like:
- Huge AoE damage
- Crowd control
- Frequent use of Runic Attacks and Relic
- Swapping weapons
This build encourages repeated Runic Attacks and Relic usage through Cooldown buffs to keep the ground covered in high-damage AoEs while cycling weapons. Not only does this set-up mete out punishment to multiple enemies at once, but it also emphasizes crowd control and positioning capabilities so you can take full control over the battlefield like a true Spartan general.
- Giptumaðr’s Breastplate
- Berserker Gauntlets
- [NEW IN NG+] War Belt of Zeus – Increases Melee and Runic damage by 20%, while increasing damage received by 40%.
- [NEW IN NG+] Vald – Cooldown/Strength stat boost.
- [NEW IN NG+] Mannvit – Runic/Cooldown stat boost.
- [NEW IN NG+] Hjartablóð – Vitality/Luck stat boost.
- [NEW IN NG+] Guiding Light Engraving – Chance to increase Strength, Runic, and Luck of Kratos’ weapons.
- [NEW IN NG+] Fallen Stars Engraving – Greatly reduces damage taken when using a Runic Attack or Relic.
- Attuned Runic Gem
- Seal of the Runic Storm
- Boon of Wrath
- Use for Multiple Enemy Encounters: Eir’s Armaments
- [NEW IN NG+] Use for Boss Encounters: Radiance Engraving – Chance to grant a Blessing of Runic on any last-second evade.
Leviathan Axe:
- Attachment: Grip of the Nine Realms – Chosen for stat boost, do not use Momentous Shift unless necessary as it will consume your Permafrost gauge.
- Light Runic: Winter’s Bite
- Heavy Runic: Mists of Helheim
Blades of Chaos:
- Attachment: Pommels of the True Flame
- Light Runic: Flame of Anguish
- Heavy Runic: Meteoric Slam
Draupnir Spear:
- Attachment: Hind of Weightless Recovery
- Light Runic: Whisper of the World
- Heavy Runic: Vindsvalr’s Windstorm
- Dauntless Shield
- Rönd of Expedition
Spartan Rage:
Companion – Weapons, Accessories, Runic Summons:
- Atreus and Freya: Player Preference
How does it play?
This build is especially great when dealing with groups of enemies. It has an emphasis on large AoE Runic Attacks and Cooldown reduction, so reaching multiple foes across any arena won’t be a problem. Frequent use of your Runic Attacks and Relic may leave Kratos vulnerable while he casts them, so be careful with your timing and positioning when using this build.
Begin an encounter by using the Hilt of Hrotti. This Relic will apply a mark to enemies that heavily reduces Cooldown when dealing damage to them. Then quickly use a Runic Attack from each weapon to activate the effect of the Seal of Runic Storm for additional Bifröst damage. If you need to group enemies up, use the Draupnir Spear’s Light Runic Attack Whisper of the World before you start applying your heavy-hitting AoEs.
Continue cycling through your weapons while using your Runic Attacks to build momentum which will result in even more buffs and reductions in cooldown times. Since you will be applying status effects with your Runic Attacks, once your Spartan Rage Meter has filled you can activate Wrath to deal heavy damage.
We hope these builds have inspired you to jump back into God of War Ragnarök’s New Game + mode! There are countless combinations waiting to be discovered, we can’t wait to see what our community creates.
Got a creative build? Share it with us on the official Santa Monica Studio Discord!For the latest updates around God of War Ragnarök, make sure you follow Santa Monica Studio on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.