Gardening is more than just planting and watering. In some cases, it can even turn Dad into an amateur detective. Like when he inspects his garden, spots something expected growing there, and wonders…what the heck IS that?
Whether it’s a plant he can’t quite identify, a discoloration, or even a disease that may be creeping over his flora, you can hook Dad up with all the plant knowledge he needs to fight back with a lifetime premium plan subscription to NatureID Plant Identification.
Powered by AI, the app makes it easy for Dad to scan a plant and get it identified from more than 14,000 plant profiles in NatureID’s expansive database. It only takes 3 seconds for the app to make its ruling, delivering precise information with over 95% accuracy. Along with identifying the plant, NatureID makes it better too, working with botanical experts to offer soil, water, and fertilizer recommendations, best temperature conditions, and more to help every plant thrive. There’s even a light meter to check if your plants are getting enough sunlight to grow and prosper properly.
Speaking of thriving, the scan also serves as a plant medical exam, identifying diseases, assessing their severity, and offering tips to get Dad’s plants back on the road to healthy.
With a cumulative 4.5 out of 5-star rating from nearly 60,000 reviews from Apple App Store and Google Play users, this Father’s Day is also the right time to get NatureID at a special holiday best-on-the-web price.
Regularly $59.99, a lifetime of access to a NatureID Identification Premium Plan is now 66% off as part of the Father’s Day Sale, now just a single-time price of only $19.99.

NatureID Plant Identification Premium Plan: Lifetime Subscription – $19.99
Get it now for $19.99
Prices subject to change.