Eurostar opens world’s first walk-through biometric corridor for trains

The first-ever biometric corridor for train travel opened today at Eurostar’s London terminal. 

The system, developed by British tech firm iProov, replaces border checks with a facial verification checkpoint that you just walk straight past. 

Before travel, the passenger downloads the app, authenticates their ID, scans their face, and links their ticket. On arrival at St Pancras Station, they stroll through a dedicated lane for the tech — dubbed SmartCheck — which verifies their entry.

The system lets users skip ticket gates and manual border control in the UK. After baggage inspection and a passport check at the French border, they’re free to board the train.

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With no fiddly paper documents, prying British sentries, or protracted camera scans, SmartCheck promises shorter queues and smoother throughput. Initially, the system will only be available for Eurostar’s Business Premier and Carte Blanche passengers. But the company aims to extend the service to all customers and — perhaps — more borders. 

The CEO of Eurostar, Gwendoline Cazenave, told TNW that she plans to provide a launchpad for the tech.

“We wanted to show that seamless, automated cross-borders are not just science fiction — they’re now a reality,” she said.

User's can first match their faces to their ID documents at home