“Real-time data capture and edge analytics are becoming common requirements for edge devices, including machine learning and AI applications,” according to Ittia. “Manufacturers selecting STM32 microcontrollers to build gateways, industrial systems and medical devices can now locally stream, store and manage data in real-time.”
Called ‘DB IoT for STM32’, it “is a time series data management platform for real-time IoT data processing and management,” said ST. ” IoT devices benefit from stream processing capabilities to gain rapid insights from large volumes of raw data, separate and store valuable information, and act.”
It has three data management engines that can be deployed together or independently: in-memory stream query processing, time series storage, and relational tables.
Available on RTOS platforms including FreeRTOS, Azure RTOS ThreadX, Azure RTOS FileX and FatFS (and bare metal), it is suitable for selected STM32F4, F7, L4, L4+, L5, H7, WB5, U5, G4 and MP1 MCUs.
As well as STM32CubeIDE, the package also works with IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm and Keil uVision5 MDK-Arm.
“Ittia is holding two free workshop events: STM32 edge data Computing with Ittia DB and Edge data collection campaigns for software defined vehicles, said Oxfordshire-based distributor Direct Insights, which handles Ittia’s database in the UK and will be hosting material from the events on its website.
Ittia DB IoT for STM32
ST’s DB IoT for STM32 page