Some days, your feet just drag, and you can’t seem to get anything done no matter how much you try. But is there an easy addition to your morning routine that can help?
According to studies, making your bed in the morning might make you more productive during the day.
Best Mattress Brand conducted a survey of over 1,000 people. Half of the participants made their bed in the morning, and the other half didn’t. Of the people who made their beds, 82% felt more productive throughout the day, and 92% of them would recommend making the bed to others. When asked if they feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day, 74% of bedmakers agreed they did while only 50% of non-bedmakers felt accomplished.
Now, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, this is a survey, asking people to analyze their feelings. No researchers studied the behavior of the participants. Secondly, an argument can be made that those who make their beds in the morning could be more organized and might be more productive naturally. That’s exactly why they make their bed.
So, can making your bed in the morning make you more productive? Maybe, and people who do so seem to think it helps. It’s a small-time investment that could really pay off, so why not add it to your morning routine?