ChatGPT Now Available for Free as a Mobile App

As the US company OpenAI announced last weekend on its own portal, they have now released the first mobile application with “OpenAI ChatGPT” in the Apple App Store. The AI bot is free with a limited feature set for now.

ChatGPT for the Apple iPhone only for now

In the past days and weeks, real hype has developed around the topic of AI bots. Whether “TruthGPT”, “Google Bard” or OpenAI with “ChatGPT” – the development around artificial intelligence (AI) is ignited. While some are already fanning the flames of the end of the world, others can’t get development going fast enough.

ChatGPT developer Sam Altman warns of the risks and asks for government control. The U.S. company itself, on the other hand, made the first mobile application with “OpenAI ChatGPT” available for free download in the Apple App Store last weekend.

While the AI-supported chatbot is already available in the US as a desktop application in version 4.0, the mobile version, which for the time being is only available in the US and only for iOS from version 16.1, represents a premiere in the steady race. However, as the company announced, an implementation for Android is already in the works and a “soon” release is planned. Other countries are also expected to follow shortly.

The iOS mobile application works across platforms, so a chat can be started on the Apple iPhone and continued later on the desktop browser. Another advantage of the ChatGPT mobile app is the integration of “Whisper,” an open-source neural speech recognition software based on 680,000 hours of multilingual and multitasking monitored data.

ChatGPT for iOS is free in principle but requires a monthly subscription of US$19.99 for the “ChatGPT Plus” version. According to initial information, the Plus version offers functions from ChatGPT 4.0. Those who want to use messages to a greater extent will probably also have to pay. Furthermore, Plus subscribers should get “early access to features and faster response times”.

What do you think of the rapidly progressing development on the topic of AI chatbot? Stop or continue? Please write us your concerns and experiences in the comments section.


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