With Microsoft’s gargantuan acquisition of Activision-Blizzard nearing its close after the UK’s CMA provisionally approved the revised deal, many are wondering who might be next on the tech corporation’s shopping list (and no, it’s probably not Nintendo).
Indeed, one prime target for acquisition at the moment might well be Resident Evil and Monster Hunter developer Capcom, but it doesn’t appear as though the company is interested in being bought out. In an interview with Bloomberg, Capcom’s COO Haruhiro Tsujimoto was asked what the company’s position would be if Microsoft were to approach it with an acquisition offer. Here’s what Tsujimoto had to say:
“I would gracefully decline the offer, because I believe it would be better if we were equal partners.”
No surprise there, then. Over the course of the past several years, Capcom has been on the up and up, breaking its internal sales records left, right, and centre and gaining significant stock growth in the process. While this is no doubt attractive for potential investors, it seems like Capcom is quite happy remaining independent for the time being.
Conversely, Tsujimoto also stated that Capcom itself is not interested in acquiring any companies, stating that “rather than acquiring an outside company, we prefer organic growth”.
So there you go – it sounds like it’s business as usual for Capcom which, for us at least, is great news.

With Microsoft’s gargantuan acquisition of Activision-Blizzard nearing its close after the UK’s CMA provisionally approved the revised deal, many are wondering who might be next on the tech corporation’s shopping list (and no, it’s probably not Nintendo).
Indeed, one prime target for acquisition at the moment might well be Resident Evil and Monster Hunter developer Capcom, but it doesn’t appear as though the company is interested in being bought out. In an interview with Bloomberg, Capcom’s COO Haruhiro Tsujimoto was asked what the company’s position would be if Microsoft were to approach it with an acquisition offer. Here’s what Tsujimoto had to say:
“I would gracefully decline the offer, because I believe it would be better if we were equal partners.”
No surprise there, then. Over the course of the past several years, Capcom has been on the up and up, breaking its internal sales records left, right, and centre and gaining significant stock growth in the process. While this is no doubt attractive for potential investors, it seems like Capcom is quite happy remaining independent for the time being.
Conversely, Tsujimoto also stated that Capcom itself is not interested in acquiring any companies, stating that “rather than acquiring an outside company, we prefer organic growth”.
So there you go – it sounds like it’s business as usual for Capcom which, for us at least, is great news.