Brand New Pokémon Dipplin Is The Best Thing About Scarlet & Violet’s DLC

Dipplin Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Image: The Pokémon Company

Everyone’s favourite apple dragon has got a brand new evolution thanks to Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Revealed during today’s Pokémon Presents August 2023 showcase, Dipplin is a new evolution for Applin that looks a bit like a candy apple — it’s adorable, it’s perfect, it was the best thing we saw during the whole showcase.

Dipplin will be making its debut in The Teal Mask, which launches on 13th September 2023. During that DLC’s story, it will be the partner Pokémon of Kieran, a trainer from the Blueberry Academy. It will be Grass/Dragon type, just like all other evolutions for Applin.

Dipplin wasn’t the only new Pokémon revealed, however. In The Indigo Disk, a new evolution for Duraladon will also make its debut. Archaludon is a Steel/Dragon type, just like its predecessor.

It looks like two new Paradox Pokémon will also be appearing in the Terarium at The Blueberry Academy. New forms for Raikou and Cobalion were shown off — the former is called Raging Bolt and the latter Iron Crown.

All of these new Pokémon will be appearing across The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC. Again, The Teal Mask is due out on 13th September 2023, with The Indigo Disk to follow sometime this Winter.

Dipplin Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Image: The Pokémon Company

Everyone’s favourite apple dragon has got a brand new evolution thanks to Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Revealed during today’s Pokémon Presents August 2023 showcase, Dipplin is a new evolution for Applin that looks a bit like a candy apple — it’s adorable, it’s perfect, it was the best thing we saw during the whole showcase.

Dipplin will be making its debut in The Teal Mask, which launches on 13th September 2023. During that DLC’s story, it will be the partner Pokémon of Kieran, a trainer from the Blueberry Academy. It will be Grass/Dragon type, just like all other evolutions for Applin.

Dipplin wasn’t the only new Pokémon revealed, however. In The Indigo Disk, a new evolution for Duraladon will also make its debut. Archaludon is a Steel/Dragon type, just like its predecessor.

It looks like two new Paradox Pokémon will also be appearing in the Terarium at The Blueberry Academy. New forms for Raikou and Cobalion were shown off — the former is called Raging Bolt and the latter Iron Crown.

All of these new Pokémon will be appearing across The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC. Again, The Teal Mask is due out on 13th September 2023, with The Indigo Disk to follow sometime this Winter.

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