Batman: Arkham Knight Still Runs Poorly On Switch Despite Massive Update

Batman: Arkham Knight wasn’t in the best shape when it swooped onto Switch at the end of last year. Fortunately, the game has today received a monster 16GB update, one that’s guaranteed to fix all of its problems, right? Well

By the looks of it, Batman Arkham Knight still runs poorly on Switch. The official patch notes for the latest update are yet to be published, but the changes seem to be minimal at best. The black sheep of the Switch’s Arkham Trilogy collection, Knight’s visuals still seemingly leave much to be desired, frame drops remain regular and it looks like there are still bugs a-plenty.

So, what exactly was fixed by this 16GB patch? We’re not sure exactly. A video from the YouTube channel KwingsLetsPlays (above) shows some of the new ver. 1.0.3 gameplay in action, noting that things are now slightly smoother in the Batmobile sequences and you can now finally collect all of the Riddler trophies. Everything else appears to be more of the same.

A thread on the r/NintendoSwitch Reddit forum noted the same tweaks, though the majority of users are still reporting that the game suffers from many of the same bugs that it had at launch.

Collecting all of the Riddler trophies might get you one step closer to 100% completion on Switch (if that is something that you have been subjecting yourself to), but multiple users on Reddit are claiming that the mission is still unbeatable, with the screen going black as you attempt to hand the Riddler into GCPD. The villain lives to fight another day, we suppose.

We will be keeping an eye out for the official patch notes so we can find out what exactly the latest update brings to the table. But for the time being, minor fixes aside, it looks like Gotham still has a bug problem.

Need a reminder of how Knight was running on Switch at launch? You can find 17 minutes of gameplay below:

Have you installed Arkham Knight’s latest massive update on Switch yet? If so, what do you think? Bring your vengeance to the comments.

Batman: Arkham Knight wasn’t in the best shape when it swooped onto Switch at the end of last year. Fortunately, the game has today received a monster 16GB update, one that’s guaranteed to fix all of its problems, right? Well

By the looks of it, Batman Arkham Knight still runs poorly on Switch. The official patch notes for the latest update are yet to be published, but the changes seem to be minimal at best. The black sheep of the Switch’s Arkham Trilogy collection, Knight’s visuals still seemingly leave much to be desired, frame drops remain regular and it looks like there are still bugs a-plenty.

So, what exactly was fixed by this 16GB patch? We’re not sure exactly. A video from the YouTube channel KwingsLetsPlays (above) shows some of the new ver. 1.0.3 gameplay in action, noting that things are now slightly smoother in the Batmobile sequences and you can now finally collect all of the Riddler trophies. Everything else appears to be more of the same.

A thread on the r/NintendoSwitch Reddit forum noted the same tweaks, though the majority of users are still reporting that the game suffers from many of the same bugs that it had at launch.

Collecting all of the Riddler trophies might get you one step closer to 100% completion on Switch (if that is something that you have been subjecting yourself to), but multiple users on Reddit are claiming that the mission is still unbeatable, with the screen going black as you attempt to hand the Riddler into GCPD. The villain lives to fight another day, we suppose.

We will be keeping an eye out for the official patch notes so we can find out what exactly the latest update brings to the table. But for the time being, minor fixes aside, it looks like Gotham still has a bug problem.

Need a reminder of how Knight was running on Switch at launch? You can find 17 minutes of gameplay below:

Have you installed Arkham Knight’s latest massive update on Switch yet? If so, what do you think? Bring your vengeance to the comments.

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