Bandai Namco’s Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Reaches Another Sales Milestone

Bandai Namco has provided a sales update on its Dragon Ball title Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot since its initial release in 2020. It’s now shifted more than eight million copies worldwide. This includes the sales across multiple platforms including the Switch.

As part of the celebrations, the developer has shared some special artwork on social media featuring the Dragon Ball cast:

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set made its debut on the Switch in September 2021. It’s been followed by many expansions including the release of ‘Goku’s Next Journey‘ in February of this year. If you haven’t tried this game out, there’s also a demo you can download from the eShop.

Be sure to also check out our review here on Nintendo Life as well. Here’s a sample of what we had to say about it:

“Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is mainly a love-letter to fans of the series. From the first moment that the iconic Japanese theme song starts through to some of the obscure characters who show up as you explore the world, this game is a nostalgia-fest for anime fans. Considering the long-standing voice actors for both the Japanese and English dubs reprise their roles here, it all feels familiar and comforting from the very beginning.”

Bandai Namco has provided a sales update on its Dragon Ball title Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot since its initial release in 2020. It’s now shifted more than eight million copies worldwide. This includes the sales across multiple platforms including the Switch.

As part of the celebrations, the developer has shared some special artwork on social media featuring the Dragon Ball cast:

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set made its debut on the Switch in September 2021. It’s been followed by many expansions including the release of ‘Goku’s Next Journey‘ in February of this year. If you haven’t tried this game out, there’s also a demo you can download from the eShop.

Be sure to also check out our review here on Nintendo Life as well. Here’s a sample of what we had to say about it:

“Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is mainly a love-letter to fans of the series. From the first moment that the iconic Japanese theme song starts through to some of the obscure characters who show up as you explore the world, this game is a nostalgia-fest for anime fans. Considering the long-standing voice actors for both the Japanese and English dubs reprise their roles here, it all feels familiar and comforting from the very beginning.”

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