I have more than 50,000 photos in my library, and while the majority of them are great memories, I often come across something I need to manually delete. But ...
If you’re of a certain age, you probably remember the classic game Bop It! where the device will show a pattern and then you need to repeat it. Echodots brings ...
When using the app, your Apple Pencil mirrors the Mac cursor, basically turning your tablet into a large trackpad. Made for artists, you can draw into your ...
The new game Rainbow Six: SMOL is, well, a bit different. And that’s no necessarily a bad thing. Only for Netflix subscribers, the game still features ...
While there are a cornucopia of weather apps available on the App Store, including Apple’s stock option, Looks Like Rain excels at providing an hourly weather ...
The sequel to the wonderful 2022 original, you’ll dive into the iconic expressionist paintings of Belgian James Ensor. Taking a Where’s Waldo approach, you ...
Think of the app as a digital notepad to store thoughts and more. They might not amount to anything in the future, but the app allows you to store it for ...
You’ll be confronting a number of warring factions throughout a sprawling interplanetary system to follow the guidance of the mysterious Lotus. Gamers will ...
If you haven’t played, the game was one of the first to popularize deck building. To grow your kingdom, you will try to collect as many Victory Points as ...
The RSS reader uses AI in a number of ways for you to better find and read news on the internet. First up, choose a Smart Summary for all articles in your ...
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