Audacity 3.3 Has Even More Real-Time Audio Effects


Audacity is probably one of the best free tools for audio editing out there. With its latest version, version 3.3, it’s getting even better with several additions — more importantly, the inclusion of more live, real-time filters.

Real-time effects were introduced with Audacity 3.2, and they’re basically effects that you can quickly apply, and remove, to your audio as you go. It’s as simple as adding it, or removing it if you don’t really like how it sounds. This is contrary to regular effects, where you need to add them and render every little change you want to listen to — real-time effects make this process much more convenient. Real-time effects are also non-destructive, so you can revert to the original sound at any time.

Now, a range of new effects is compatible with this new real-time modality. These include Bass & Treble, Distortion, Phaser, Reverb, and Wahwah. There’s also a new effect called Shelf Filter which compliments High-pass, Low-pass, and Notch, and can be accessed from the Effects panel by going to EQ & Filters.

There’s also a new linear decibel ruler, as well as a slightly tweaked bottom toolbar dock. If you’re an Audacity user, we recommend you go through the full changelog to see all the small changes and tweaks being added to this release. The real-time effects alone probably make this release worth the upgrade.

Source: Audacity (GitHub)
Via: OMG! Linux


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