Designed to be built into the ‘battery disconnect unit’, the HSTBV series can “reach 1% of accuracy up to 1,300A and <1.7% up to 1,500A”, according to the company.
The units measure 29.1 x 35.5 x 49.9mm, plus the dimensions of the integrated bus bar, which can be between 2 to 3mm thick and will vary from application to application.
Isolation is >800V between components or between the device and its surroundings, said the company.
“The first version to enter the market is ASIL B ready, with the possibility to extend it to ASIL C,” said LEM. “The family incorporates all the safety mechanisms and design processes that are required to address the risks associated with safety-critical automotive applications.”
Sensing is Hall effect based, with the company’s LEM9 asic extracting meaningful data.
So far, the company has released very little else about this sensor – Electronics Weekly has requested more – watch this space.
The little else includes that there is a microcontroller on-board that implements calibration, magnetic offset correction for residual magnetism and “adjust measurement data to account for distortions or errors caused by mechanical stresses”, said LEM.
There are also diagnostic warnings for under-voltage and over-voltage, and errors in sensitivity, offset drift, temperature measurement or in the memories (ram, flash, eeprom or rom).
A safe-state can be entered on some of these errors, said LEM.