Arduino swaps sensors on Nano 33 BLE and Nano 33 BLE Sense

Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense Rev2

The nRF52840 IC (via a u-blox NINA-B306 module) stays the same, and still provides both an Arm Cortex-M4 processor and a Bluetooth transceiver – to go with these is an Arduino BLE library, and MicroPython.

Probably the biggest hardware change is that the six-axis IMU and three-axis magnetometer are no longer provided by a single LSM9DS1 from STMicroelectronics, but now come courtesy of a pair of Bosch Sensortec ICs: the six-axis BMI270 IMU and the three-axis BMM150 magnetometer.

Replacement IMU and magnetometer libraries have been provided, allowing existing sketches to be migrated to rev 2 hardware.

On the Nano 33 BLE, other changes include:

  • Pads and test points for USB, SWDIO, and SWCLK.
  • VUSB soldering jumper on the top side, allowing the VUSB pin to be enabled while using the castellated edge contacts.
  • An MP2322 is used as the on-board dc-dc converter

“Nano 33 BLE is one of our most popular boards,” according to Arduino. “It’s small and 3.3V-compatible, it comes with an embedded IMU featuring accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer, it has a powerful processor, [and] a Bluetooth Low Energy module with an internal antenna.”

The Nano 33 BLE Sense (Rev2 in photo) has the same 9-axis swap for Revision 2, and some changes in its other sensors:

  • The microphone was a MP34DT05 (ST) and is now a MP34DT06JTR (ST) in rev 2.
  • Gesture, light and proximity continue to be sensed by a APDS9960 (Avago), and barometric pressure by a LPS22HB (ST).
  • Temperature and humidity were via a HTS221 (ST), which has turned into a HS3003 (Renesas).

Product pages:

Nano 33 BLE Rev2

Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2

And there is a Rev1 to Rev2 migration information page for both of the above


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