Apple confirms fix for iPhone 15 Pro overheating issues coming soon

iPhone 15 Pro display bezels closeup
Blame Uber and Asphalt 9 for your iPhone 15 Pro running hot.
Photo: Apple

Apple has confirmed that the iPhone 15 Pro overheating issues are not due to the new A17 Pro chip. An iOS 17 bug and some third-party apps are culprits.

The company will roll out a software update to address the problem. It is also working with third-party developers on this issue.

Apple to fix iPhone 15 Pro’s overheating issues soon

Apple has identified some conditions under which its new iPhones can run hotter than expected. This is due to an iOS 17 bug, which will be addressed with an update.

The company also notes that popular third-party apps like Instagram, Uber, and Asphalt 9 are causing the new iPhones to run hotter than usual. While Instagram has already rolled out a fix, Apple is working with other developers to resolve the problem.

“We have identified a few conditions which can cause iPhone to run warmer than expected. The device may feel warmer during the first few days after setting up or restoring the device because of increased background activity. We have also found a bug in iOS 17 that is impacting some users and will be addressed in a software update. Another issue involves some recent updates to third-party apps that are causing them to overload the system. We’re working with these app developers on fixes that are in the process of rolling out.” said Apple in its statement to Forbes.

Apple’s statement notes that the iPhone 15 Pro can be a bit warm for a few days after the initial setup. This is due to the increased background activity.

No performance throttling to reduce overheating

Apple also confirmed the iPhone 15 Pro’s heating issues are not due to its titanium railing, contradicting recent reports. In fact, the new titanium and aluminum frame is better for heat dissipation.

Further, the Cupertino giant won’t throttle the A17 Pro’s performance to reduce the heating issues.

It will be interesting to see how much the upcoming iOS 17 release and third-party app updates help in resolving the overheating issues. And whether this update will also positively impact battery life.


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