Android 15 May Soon Tell Your Device’s Battery Health Percentage

Unlike on iPhones, viewing the device’s battery health status on Android is not as straightforward and readily available. Depending on the manufacturer, you either need to install an app or dial a combination of codes to tell how battery-worthy the cell is. It’s starting to change with Android 14 with an added charging cycle count. Even further, Google may soon introduce a battery health checker natively on Android 15.

As discovered in the Settings Services app of Android 14 QPR2 Beta 2 (quarterly platform release) on Pixel phones (via Mishaal Rahman), a new battery health section is now added in the battery settings. The page sits along with the other related battery toggles and settings, such as adaptive charging.

A new Android battery health information section with useful features

Some workarounds are needed before the settings are displayed, though. Once you’re there, tapping the Battery Health opens a sub-page which has a few wording, including a link to battery lifespan-saving tips and extended details of Battery health. A deeper dive into the codes of the app reveals menus of battery health, recalibration, and initial battery health status.

Android 14 OS Battery Health Check
New Android 14-based Battery app that checks your device’s battery health status and manufacturing date. / © MishaalRahman/Twitter

The first option is likely a checker that shows how much battery lifespan you have in percentage. Meanwhile, the recalibration process is described to take “weeks”, suggesting this is an extensive battery monitoring tool. The last is the initial battery health status which could present the original battery capacity and status.

On top of the three main features, the section can also tell if the battery state is normal, capacity reduced, recalibrating, unsupported, and unknown. The last two though indicate if you have a malfunctioning battery replacement or a counterfeit, which is a good safety measure in keeping your device protected.

When is the extended battery health coming to non-Pixel Android smartphones?

It’s unknown if the feature will eventually make its way to the next Pixel update. Google could likely debut battery health in May on Android 15 OS. Despite this, it still depends on OEMs when they will adopt the feature on their devices.

Presently, the battery information on Pixel devices allows users to check the basic metrics like the status and charging cycle of the battery. In addition, there are manufacturing date and charging policy details as well.

Is knowing the battery health percentage on your Android phone is an important native tool you wish to be available? We’re eager to hear your answers in the comment section.


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