This patrolling security robot wants to guard your premises

A Swiss startup has unveiled a solution to the global shortage of security guards: an autonomous patrol robot.

Named the Ascento Guard, the two-wheeled sentinel is equipped with thermal and infrared cameras, speakers, a microphone, and GPS tracking. The bidepal design promises all-terrain mobility, fall recovery from any position, and top speeds of 5km/h.

Using these features, the Ascento Guard can spot trespassers, monitor parking lots, and record property lights. It can also identify floods and fires, as well as check that doors and windows are closed.

When an incident is detected, an alarm is sent to an operator. Only then is a human security guard sent onsite to take action.

The bot is the brainchild of Ascento, a Zurich-based developer of bipedal security robots. Alessandro Morra, the startup’s CEO, told TNW that Ascento Guard is designed for large outdoor premises. 

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Instead of installing many fixed cameras or sending human guards in harsh weather conditions and at night for patrol, Ascento Guard can secure the assets,” he said.

The Ascento co-founders: Dominik-Mannhart, Alessandro-Morra, Ciro Salzmann, Miguel de la Iglesia Valls