Apple May Equip iPhone 16 with Micro Lens OLED for Boosted Brightness

The Apple iPhone 14 Pro (review) is considered to have one of the brightest OLED displays. This surpasses the screens that manufacturers like Samsung or LG use on their smartphones. Now, the iPhone-maker is believed to be planning of launching next year’s iPhone 16 with an even brighter display by applying MLA technology or microscopic lenses array.

Advantages of screens with micro lens

MLA or micro lens array is a type of display technology that inserts microscopic lenses between the glass and OLED panels. Among the benefits is a significantly brighter output of the screen as it reduces the trapped luminance between the glass and panel and has this effectively projected. At the same time, this also helps reduce power consumption and subsequently extend battery life on devices.

Unlike on televisions and monitors that are starting to come with MLA-equipped display panels, the technology is rarely seen in mobile devices. Samsung has started to incorporate this with the Galaxy S22 Ultra, but has not fully taken off with the more recent models, possibly due to numerous reasons like cost.

LG's MLA OLED technology
MLA-ready OLED screens output brighter luminance as it allows more light to pass. / © LG Innotek

In Apple’s case, it is tipped they are considering of adopting the micro-lens array on the future iPhone line according to the Korean publication, The Elec. It is said that both Samsung and LG are proposing to use of MLA to the Cupertino company and only waiting for the approval of the latter.

However, the decision could still depend on the target manufacturing efficiency of the new component. But if ever the OLED technology could materialize, the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro could be likely first to take advantage of this.

In addition to the brighter displays, the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max are rumored to arrive with a slightly larger screen viewing estate. The smaller iPhone 16 Pro is said to have a 6.3-inch display while the bigger premium model has a 6.9-inch panel. Despite the change, Apple might retain the dimensions of the two iPhones.

Will you consider getting an iPhone if it starts to feature these hardware improvements? Share with us your answers in the comments.


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