Does Eating Garlic Help Ward Off Mosquitos – LifeSavvy

Garlic Cloves and Bulb in vintage wooden bowl.
Marian Weyo/

If there’s one thing everyone can agree on, it’s that mosquitoes can be a huge nuisance during the summer months. Like many of us, you may be looking for some creative ways to keep your mosquito bites to a minimum this year—like ingesting massive amounts of garlic.

Eating garlic has been a long-suggested mosquito repellent hack that’s said to make you less attractive to mosquitoes. The idea is they don’t like the smell. But does this work?

As it turns out, there’s no scientific backing to the idea that eating garlic will make mosquitoes turn away. So before you fill your diet with garlic-leaden recipes, maybe consider what attracts mosquitos so you can start preventing them.

Remember that mosquitos are tiny little bugs that blow around easily in the wind, so they like making homes in tall grasses that keep them safe. Prevent excess mosquitoes by keeping your lawn trimmed.

Eliminate pools of water in your yard to stop mosquitos from laying their eggs there. This could be an outdoor dog dish, water in the bottom of a tire swing, or even a bird bath.

It’s also worth noting that mosquitos are more attracted to you when you drink alcohol. We know, we know…so many summer plans include a drink outside with friends. Just make sure you stock up on bug spray if you want to keep the bug bites limited during your backyard barbecues.


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