3 Great Things You Can Do with iPhone This Weekend

New things to do with iPhone for the weekend

This weekend, why not make the most of your iPhone by exploring some of the best features and embracing the possibilities of new iPhone experiences? Whether you’re mastering the iPhone camera, exploring new podcasts, or finding new apps to try, check out the tips below so that you can enhance your weekend with some iPhone experiences.

1: Capture & Edit Photos

Your iPhone has a powerful camera, so why not take advantage of that and capture some beautiful photos of scenery, moments, or objects?

Explore and experiment with the different modes offered with iPhone camera, including panorama, portrait, self-timer, Live Photos, and more.

After you capture your photos, don’t forget you can edit them with the powerful built-in photo editing tools, accessible from the Photos app by tapping on a picture and choosing “Edit”. You can adjust everything from exposure, brightness, contrast, tint, highlights, shadows, apply filters, and much more. You can even identify flowers, plants, and objects with the camera too.

And when the default Photos app edits aren’t enough, there’s a world of other photo editing apps available for iPhone that are fantastic, including Snapseed, Lightroom, Pixelmator, VSCO, and many others.

And if you’ll be attending a 4th of July celebration, don’t forget you can use time-lapse to capture firework shows in a unique way.

2: Discover New Podcasts

You can instantly immerse yourself in fantastic audio content by exploring the world of podcasts. Pick any subject matter and you’re almost certainly likely to find a podcast that suits you.

The default Podcasts app offers a great introduction into the realm of podcasts, while Spotify offers many popular podcasts and some platform exclusives. Third party apps like Overcast can make navigating podcasts a bit easier too.

Whether you have a long drive, household chores, yard work, or you simply want to tune out the world, podcasts offer a great way to pass the time and learn more about things you’re interested in, laugh at a comedy show, or get sucked into a compelling storyline. There’s something for everyone in the universe of podcasts.

3: Try Out New Apps

Do you ever explore the App Store on iPhone? If not, you should. There is a vast trove of apps available on iPhone via the App Store, and by poking around you just may find something that piques your interest.

Whatever you’re looking for, whether it’s games, fitness, productivity, entertainment, creative, educational, you’ll be able to apps that enhance your iPhone experience, right on the App Store.


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