The SDG1000X Plus series is a step up from the existing SDG1000X series, which also extends to 60MHz, but which has 14bits and 150Msample/s.
Standard sample memory in the new generators is 8Mpoint.
The LCD display measures 4.3inch and, as well as front-panel controls, there is a built-in web page server to allow remote control using a web browser – the unit’s standard interfaces include USB host, USB device test and measurement class (‘USBTMC’ protocol) or Ethernet (VXI-11).
There are two devices: the 60MHz SDG1062X Plus and the 30MHz SDG1032X Plus, both of which have built-in frequency counters.
They can generate “high-speed pseudo-random binary sequences with bit rates from 1μbit/s to 40Mbit/s – ranging from PRBS3 to PRBS32, which is ideal for testing high-speed serial communication systems”, according to the company. “Whether testing protocols such as Ethernet, USB, or HDMI, SDG1000X Plus can simulate real-world communication environments. With built-in level support for TTL, LVCMOS, and other standards, it generates differential signals, making it suited for applications requiring high common-mode rejection ratios.”
Modulation types include AM, DSB-AM, FM, PM, FSK, ASK, PSK and PWM, and there are 196 built-in arbitrary waveforms.
Linear and logarithmic frequency sweeps are available, as well as n-cycle and gated burst modes. Triggering can be internal, external or manual.
For ‘double-pulse’ power supply testing there is a multi-pulse output function with rise and fall times down to 10ns.
“Each pulse can be individually configured, allowing engineers to generate precise gate drive signals and measure switching parameters and dynamic characteristics of power devices”, said Siglent.
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